
I am trying to create a debian lenny package from pacemaker. When I use the way advertised on clusterlabs.org

dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -uc -us

I get an error about a missing file "service_crm.a".

When I install the libopenais2 package (and development package) from lenny repository I get an error about missing symbols on libSaMsg. Version 2 is installed from the packages, pacemaker expects version 3.

When I add "--without-ais" in the configure line of the debian/rules file to create the package without AIS support to get rid of the library version problem I get the first error (see above) again.

So it seems it is not possible to build a pacemaker package for debian at the moment from the sources. Neither with ais support nor without. Or at least it is not as straight forward as I thought it should be.

So I would be interested, if anybody succeed in building a debian (etch or lenny) package lately. Please mail me, Thanks.

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