> showscores gives me:
> ~# ./showscores.sh 
> Resource            Score     Node            Stickiness #Fail    Fail-
> Stickiness 
> 50                  0                                                         
> on                  50                                                        
> on                  50                                                        
> on                  50                                                        
> on                  50                                                        
> on                  50                                                        
> on                  50                                                        
> on                  50                                                        
> on                  50           
> not the result I expected originally.
> @Dominik: Any chance to fix the script?
> ptest -s
> That is the kind of program I was looking for. Is there any explanation how 
> group_color and native_color are defined? Is there any update the the
> linux-ha.org/ScoreCalculation
> page for pacemaker >=1.0?
> Thanks for enlightening answers.

I have a version that deals with most of the new things. I will post it
here soon.

If you want to test now, send me a private email.

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