Thanks, Neil.  However, the reason why I wanted DRBD to start via Pacemaker is 
because I want Pacemaker to manage the DRBD process and be able to migrate it 
between the nodes.


-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Brian R. Hellman
Sent: Wednesday, March 04, 2009 4:52 PM
To: General Linux-HA mailing list
Subject: Re: [Linux-HA] Having issues with getting DRBD to work with Pacemaker

DRBD needs to be running prior to starting pacemaker, it should be in
secondary/secondary mode.   When you stop the service you are unloading
the DRBD module, hence it can not start.

Jerome Yanga wrote:
> Hi Neil!
> Yes.  DRBD works outside of Pacemaker.  When I do a "service drbd start" on 
> each node, drbd runs properly and are both "Secondary".
> jerome
> -----Original Message-----
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of Neil Katin
> Sent: Wednesday, March 04, 2009 4:00 PM
> To: General Linux-HA mailing list
> Subject: Re: [Linux-HA] Having issues with getting DRBD to work with Pacemaker
> Does drbd work outside of pacemaker?  I suspect perhaps not from these lines 
> in your log:
> Mar  4 14:27:59 nomen modprobe: FATAL: Module drbd not found.
> Mar  4 14:27:59 nomen lrmd: [29900]: info: RA output: (drbd0:0:start:stdout) 
> Could not stat("/proc/drbd"): No such file or directory do you need to load 
> the module? try: modprobe drbd Command 'drbdsetup /dev/drbd0 disk /dev/sda5 
> /dev/sda5 internal --set-defaults --create-device --on-io-error=pass_on' 
> terminated with exit code 20 drbdadm attach r0: exited with code 20
> Mar  4 14:27:59 nomen drbd[30169]: ERROR: r0 start: not in Secondary mode 
> after start.
> Try starting drbd "by hand" with pacemaker turned off; it should come up on 
> both nodes, with
> both nodes as "secondary".  If it doesn't they you have to fix drbd first 
> before trying to
> add pacemaker to the mix.
>      Neil
> Jerome Yanga wrote:
>> Hi!  I am having issues with getting DRBD to work with Pacemaker.  I can get 
>> Pacemaker and DRBD run individually but not DRBD managed by Pacemaker.  I 
>> tried following the instruction in the site below but the resources will not 
>> go online.
>> Below is my configuration.
>> Installed applications:
>> =======================
>> kernel-2.6.18-128.el5
>> drbd-8.3.0-3
>> heartbeat-2.99.2-6.1
>> pacemaker-1.0.1-3.1
>> drbd.conf:
>> ==========
>> global {
>>     usage-count no;
>> }
>> resource r0 {
>>   protocol C;
>>   handlers {
>>     pri-on-incon-degr "echo o > /proc/sysrq-trigger ; halt -f";
>>     pri-lost-after-sb "echo o > /proc/sysrq-trigger ; halt -f";
>>     local-io-error "echo o > /proc/sysrq-trigger ; halt -f";
>>     outdate-peer "/usr/lib/heartbeat/drbd-peer-outdater -t 5";
>>     pri-lost "echo pri-lost. Have a look at the log files. | mail -s 'DRBD 
>> Alert' root";
>>     out-of-sync "/usr/lib/drbd/ root";
>>   }
>>   startup {
>>      wfc-timeout  0;
>>   }
>>   disk {
>>     on-io-error   pass_on;
>>   }
>>   net {
>>      max-buffers     2048;
>>     after-sb-0pri disconnect;
>>     after-sb-1pri disconnect;
>>     after-sb-2pri disconnect;
>>     rr-conflict disconnect;
>>   }
>>   syncer {
>>     rate 100M;
>>     al-extents 257;
>>   }
>>   on {
>>     device     /dev/drbd0;
>>     disk       /dev/sda5;
>>     address;
>>     meta-disk  internal;
>>   }
>>   on {
>>     device    /dev/drbd0;
>>     disk      /dev/sda5;
>>     address;
>>     meta-disk internal;
>>   }
>> }
>> Cib.xml:
>> ========
>> <cib admin_epoch="0" validate-with="pacemaker-1.0" crm_feature_set="3.0" 
>> have-quorum="1" dc-uuid="a5
>> e95310-f27d-418e-9cb9-42e50310f702" epoch="56" num_updates="0" 
>> cib-last-written="Wed Mar  4 14:27:59
>>  2009">
>>   <configuration>
>>     <crm_config>
>>       <cluster_property_set id="cib-bootstrap-options">
>>         <nvpair id="cib-bootstrap-options-dc-version" name="dc-version" 
>> value="1.0.1-node: 6fc5ce830
>> 2abf145a02891ec41e5a492efbe8efe"/>
>>       </cluster_property_set>
>>     </crm_config>
>>     <nodes>
>>       <node id="3a8b681c-a14b-4037-a8e6-2d4af2eff88e" uname="" 
>> type="normal"/>
>>       <node id="a5e95310-f27d-418e-9cb9-42e50310f702" 
>> uname="" type="normal"/>
>>     </nodes>
>>     <resources>
>>       <master id="ms-drbd0">
>>         <meta_attributes id="ms-drbd0-meta_attributes">
>>           <nvpair id="ms-drbd0-meta_attributes-clone-max" name="clone-max" 
>> value="2"/>
>>           <nvpair id="ms-drbd0-meta_attributes-notify" name="notify" 
>> value="true"/>
>>           <nvpair id="ms-drbd0-meta_attributes-globally-unique" 
>> name="globally-unique" value="false"
>> />
>>           <nvpair name="target-role" 
>> id="ms-drbd0-meta_attributes-target-role" value="Started"/>
>>         </meta_attributes>
>>         <primitive class="ocf" id="drbd0" provider="heartbeat" type="drbd">
>>           <instance_attributes id="drbd0-instance_attributes">
>>             <nvpair id="drbd0-instance_attributes-drbd_resource" 
>> name="drbd_resource" value="r0"/>
>>           </instance_attributes>
>>           <operations id="drbd0-ops">
>>             <op id="drbd0-monitor-59s" interval="59s" name="monitor" 
>> role="Master" timeout="30s"/>
>>             <op id="drbd0-monitor-60s" interval="60s" name="monitor" 
>> role="Slave" timeout="30s"/>
>>           </operations>
>>         </primitive>
>>       </master>
>>     </resources>
>>     <constraints/>
>>   </configuration>
>> </cib>
>> /var/log/messages:
>> ==================
>> Mar  4 14:27:58 nomen crm_resource: [30167]: info: Invoked: crm_resource 
>> --meta -r ms-drbd0 -p target-role -v Started
>> Mar  4 14:27:58 nomen cib: [29899]: info: cib_process_xpath: Processing 
>> cib_query op for 
>> //cib/configuration/resources//*...@id="ms-drbd0"]//meta_attributes//nvpa...@name="target-role"]
>>  (/cib/configuration/resources/master/meta_attributes/nvpair[4])
>> Mar  4 14:27:59 nomen crmd: [29903]: info: do_lrm_rsc_op: Performing 
>> key=5:5:0:d4b86e31-ca4a-4033-8437-6486622eb19f op=drbd0:0_start_0 )
>> Mar  4 14:27:59 nomen haclient: on_event:evt:cib_changed
>> Mar  4 14:27:59 nomen lrmd: [29900]: info: rsc:drbd0:0: start
>> Mar  4 14:27:59 nomen cib: [30168]: info: write_cib_contents: Wrote version 
>> 0.56.0 of the CIB to disk (digest: 2365d9802f1b9c55e0ed87b8ebda5db3)
>> Mar  4 14:27:59 nomen cib: [30168]: info: retrieveCib: Reading cluster 
>> configuration from: /var/lib/heartbeat/crm/cib.xml (digest: 
>> /var/lib/heartbeat/crm/cib.xml.sig)
>> Mar  4 14:27:59 nomen cib: [29899]: info: Managed write_cib_contents process 
>> 30168 exited with return code 0.
>> Mar  4 14:27:59 nomen modprobe: FATAL: Module drbd not found.
>> Mar  4 14:27:59 nomen lrmd: [29900]: info: RA output: (drbd0:0:start:stdout)
>> Mar  4 14:27:59 nomen mgmtd: [29904]: info: CIB query: cib
>> Mar  4 14:27:59 nomen lrmd: [29900]: info: RA output: (drbd0:0:start:stdout) 
>> Could not stat("/proc/drbd"): No such file or directory do you need to load 
>> the module? try: modprobe drbd Command 'drbdsetup /dev/drbd0 disk /dev/sda5 
>> /dev/sda5 internal --set-defaults --create-device --on-io-error=pass_on' 
>> terminated with exit code 20 drbdadm attach r0: exited with code 20
>> Mar  4 14:27:59 nomen drbd[30169]: ERROR: r0 start: not in Secondary mode 
>> after start.
>> Mar  4 14:27:59 nomen lrmd: [29900]: WARN: Managed drbd0:0:start process 
>> 30169 exited with return code 1.
>> Mar  4 14:27:59 nomen crmd: [29903]: info: process_lrm_event: LRM operation 
>> drbd0:0_start_0 (call=3, rc=1, cib-update=13, confirmed=true) complete 
>> unknown error
>> Mar  4 14:27:59 nomen haclient: on_event: from message queue: evt:cib_changed
>> Mar  4 14:27:59 nomen mgmtd: [29904]: info: CIB query: cib
>> Mar  4 14:28:00 nomen crmd: [29903]: info: do_lrm_rsc_op: Performing 
>> key=41:6:0:d4b86e31-ca4a-4033-8437-6486622eb19f op=drbd0:0_notify_0 )
>> Mar  4 14:28:00 nomen lrmd: [29900]: info: rsc:drbd0:0: notify
>> Mar  4 14:28:00 nomen lrmd: [29900]: info: Managed drbd0:0:notify process 
>> 30310 exited with return code 0.
>> Mar  4 14:28:00 nomen crmd: [29903]: info: process_lrm_event: LRM operation 
>> drbd0:0_notify_0 (call=4, rc=0, cib-update=14, confirmed=true) complete ok
>> Mar  4 14:28:00 nomen haclient: on_event: from message queue: evt:cib_changed
>> Mar  4 14:28:00 nomen haclient: on_event: from message queue: evt:cib_changed
>> Mar  4 14:28:00 nomen mgmtd: [29904]: info: CIB query: cib
>> Mar  4 14:28:01 nomen crmd: [29903]: info: do_lrm_rsc_op: Performing 
>> key=2:6:0:d4b86e31-ca4a-4033-8437-6486622eb19f op=drbd0:0_stop_0 )
>> Mar  4 14:28:01 nomen lrmd: [29900]: info: rsc:drbd0:0: stop
>> Mar  4 14:28:01 nomen lrmd: [29900]: info: Managed drbd0:0:stop process 
>> 30324 exited with return code 0.
>> Mar  4 14:28:01 nomen crmd: [29903]: info: process_lrm_event: LRM operation 
>> drbd0:0_stop_0 (call=5, rc=0, cib-update=15, confirmed=true) complete ok
>> Mar  4 14:28:01 nomen haclient: on_event: from message queue: evt:cib_changed
>> Mar  4 14:28:01 nomen haclient: on_event: from message queue: evt:cib_changed
>> Mar  4 14:28:01 nomen mgmtd: [29904]: info: CIB query: cib
>> Mar  4 14:28:02 nomen crmd: [29903]: info: do_lrm_rsc_op: Performing 
>> key=10:6:0:d4b86e31-ca4a-4033-8437-6486622eb19f op=drbd0:1_start_0 )
>> Mar  4 14:28:02 nomen lrmd: [29900]: info: rsc:drbd0:1: start
>> Mar  4 14:28:02 nomen modprobe: FATAL: Module drbd not found.
>> Mar  4 14:28:02 nomen lrmd: [29900]: info: RA output: (drbd0:1:start:stdout)
>> Mar  4 14:28:02 nomen lrmd: [29900]: info: RA output: (drbd0:1:start:stdout) 
>> Could not stat("/proc/drbd"): No such file or directory do you need to load 
>> the module? try: modprobe drbd Command 'drbdsetup /dev/drbd0 disk /dev/sda5 
>> /dev/sda5 internal --set-defaults --create-device --on-io-error=pass_on' 
>> terminated with exit code 20 drbdadm attach r0: exited with code 20
>> Mar  4 14:28:02 nomen drbd[30338]: ERROR: r0 start: not in Secondary mode 
>> after start.
>> Mar  4 14:28:02 nomen lrmd: [29900]: WARN: Managed drbd0:1:start process 
>> 30338 exited with return code 1.
>> Mar  4 14:28:02 nomen crmd: [29903]: info: process_lrm_event: LRM operation 
>> drbd0:1_start_0 (call=6, rc=1, cib-update=16, confirmed=true) complete 
>> unknown error
>> Mar  4 14:28:02 nomen haclient: on_event: from message queue: evt:cib_changed
>> Mar  4 14:28:02 nomen haclient: on_event: from message queue: evt:cib_changed
>> Mar  4 14:28:02 nomen mgmtd: [29904]: info: CIB query: cib
>> Mar  4 14:28:03 nomen crmd: [29903]: info: do_lrm_rsc_op: Performing 
>> key=44:7:0:d4b86e31-ca4a-4033-8437-6486622eb19f op=drbd0:1_notify_0 )
>> Mar  4 14:28:03 nomen lrmd: [29900]: info: rsc:drbd0:1: notify
>> Mar  4 14:28:03 nomen lrmd: [29900]: info: Managed drbd0:1:notify process 
>> 30472 exited with return code 0.
>> Mar  4 14:28:03 nomen crmd: [29903]: info: process_lrm_event: LRM operation 
>> drbd0:1_notify_0 (call=7, rc=0, cib-update=17, confirmed=true) complete ok
>> Mar  4 14:28:03 nomen haclient: on_event: from message queue: evt:cib_changed
>> Mar  4 14:28:03 nomen haclient: on_event: from message queue: evt:cib_changed
>> Mar  4 14:28:03 nomen mgmtd: [29904]: info: CIB query: cib
>> Mar  4 14:28:04 nomen crmd: [29903]: info: do_lrm_rsc_op: Performing 
>> key=2:7:0:d4b86e31-ca4a-4033-8437-6486622eb19f op=drbd0:1_stop_0 )
>> Mar  4 14:28:04 nomen lrmd: [29900]: info: rsc:drbd0:1: stop
>> Mar  4 14:28:04 nomen lrmd: [29900]: info: Managed drbd0:1:stop process 
>> 30486 exited with return code 0.
>> Mar  4 14:28:04 nomen crmd: [29903]: info: process_lrm_event: LRM operation 
>> drbd0:1_stop_0 (call=8, rc=0, cib-update=18, confirmed=true) complete ok
>> Mar  4 14:28:04 nomen haclient: on_event: from message queue: evt:cib_changed
>> Mar  4 14:28:04 nomen haclient: on_event: from message queue: evt:cib_changed
>> Mar  4 14:28:04 nomen mgmtd: [29904]: info: CIB query: cib
>> Mar  4 14:28:05 nomen crmd: [29903]: info: do_lrm_rsc_op: Performing 
>> key=7:7:0:d4b86e31-ca4a-4033-8437-6486622eb19f op=drbd0:0_start_0 )
>> Mar  4 14:28:05 nomen lrmd: [29900]: info: rsc:drbd0:0: start
>> Mar  4 14:28:05 nomen modprobe: FATAL: Module drbd not found.
>> Mar  4 14:28:05 nomen lrmd: [29900]: info: RA output: (drbd0:0:start:stdout)
>> Mar  4 14:28:05 nomen lrmd: [29900]: info: RA output: (drbd0:0:start:stdout) 
>> Could not stat("/proc/drbd"): No such file or directory do you need to load 
>> the module? try: modprobe drbd Command 'drbdsetup /dev/drbd0 disk /dev/sda5 
>> /dev/sda5 internal --set-defaults --create-device --on-io-error=pass_on' 
>> terminated with exit code 20 drbdadm attach r0: exited with code 20
>> Mar  4 14:28:05 nomen drbd[30500]: ERROR: r0 start: not in Secondary mode 
>> after start.
>> Mar  4 14:28:05 nomen lrmd: [29900]: WARN: Managed drbd0:0:start process 
>> 30500 exited with return code 1.
>> Mar  4 14:28:05 nomen crmd: [29903]: info: process_lrm_event: LRM operation 
>> drbd0:0_start_0 (call=9, rc=1, cib-update=19, confirmed=true) complete 
>> unknown error
>> Mar  4 14:28:05 nomen haclient: on_event: from message queue: evt:cib_changed
>> Mar  4 14:28:05 nomen mgmtd: [29904]: info: CIB query: cib
>> Mar  4 14:28:06 nomen crmd: [29903]: info: do_lrm_rsc_op: Performing 
>> key=38:8:0:d4b86e31-ca4a-4033-8437-6486622eb19f op=drbd0:0_notify_0 )
>> Mar  4 14:28:06 nomen lrmd: [29900]: info: rsc:drbd0:0: notify
>> Mar  4 14:28:06 nomen lrmd: [29900]: info: Managed drbd0:0:notify process 
>> 30634 exited with return code 0.
>> Mar  4 14:28:06 nomen crmd: [29903]: info: process_lrm_event: LRM operation 
>> drbd0:0_notify_0 (call=10, rc=0, cib-update=20, confirmed=true) complete ok
>> Mar  4 14:28:06 nomen haclient: on_event: from message queue: evt:cib_changed
>> Mar  4 14:28:06 nomen mgmtd: [29904]: info: CIB query: cib
>> Mar  4 14:28:07 nomen crmd: [29903]: info: do_lrm_rsc_op: Performing 
>> key=1:8:0:d4b86e31-ca4a-4033-8437-6486622eb19f op=drbd0:0_stop_0 )
>> Mar  4 14:28:07 nomen lrmd: [29900]: info: rsc:drbd0:0: stop
>> Mar  4 14:28:07 nomen lrmd: [29900]: info: Managed drbd0:0:stop process 
>> 30648 exited with return code 0.
>> Mar  4 14:28:07 nomen crmd: [29903]: info: process_lrm_event: LRM operation 
>> drbd0:0_stop_0 (call=11, rc=0, cib-update=21, confirmed=true) complete ok
>> Mar  4 14:28:07 nomen haclient: on_event: from message queue: evt:cib_changed
>> Mar  4 14:28:07 nomen mgmtd: [29904]: info: CIB query: cib
>> Mar  4 14:28:08 nomen haclient: on_event: from message queue: evt:cib_changed
>> Mar  4 14:28:08 nomen mgmtd: [29904]: info: CIB query: cib
>> FYI, I had to add the following line to /etc/init.d/drbd to get it working.
>> insmod /lib/modules/2.6.18-92.1.22.el5/kernel/drivers/block/drbd.ko
>> Help.
>> Regards,
>> Jerome
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