Sorry for the delay... if you happen to have the cluster in this state
(still/again), can you please attach the result of cibadmin -Ql
Both tools, i think, use the same underlying library for calculating
the resource state so this really shouldn't be possible.

On Thu, Mar 12, 2009 at 16:18, Nicholas Dronen <> wrote:
> Hi:
> I have a two-node cluster and am using the null stonith resource
> agent.  That's just for testing; we'll be using IPMI in production.
> When I unplug the power cable on the primary node, crm_mon shows the
> node as UNCLEAN (offline) on the secondary node.  So far, so good.
> According to ha-log, the resources are being moved.  And crm resource
> status shows them as "Started."  However, the non-stonith resources
> don't appear in crm_mon.
> Most importantly, the (non-stonith) resources aren't actually running
> on the secondary node.  I'm looking into the cause of this, but I'm
> curious why the resources don't appear at all in crm_mon and why 'crm
> resource status' shows them as "Started" when they're not running.
> We're using pacemaker-1.0.2-11.1 and heartbeat-2.99.2-6.1.
> Log file and command output is below.
> Regards,
> Nick
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Log file:
>    pengine[4274]: 2009/03/12_05:42:05 notice: LogActions: Move
> resource dom0-drbd  (Started vail3-dom0 -> vail1-dom0)
>    pengine[4274]: 2009/03/12_05:42:05 notice: LogActions: Move
> resource dom0-drbd-fs       (Started vail3-dom0 -> vail1-dom0)
>    pengine[4274]: 2009/03/12_05:42:05 notice: LogActions: Leave
> resource stonith-resource:0        (Started vail1-dom0)
>    pengine[4274]: 2009/03/12_05:42:05 notice: LogActions: Stop
> resource stonith-resource:1 (vail3-dom0)
>    pengine[4274]: 2009/03/12_05:42:05 notice: LogActions: Move
> resource udom-drbd-udom0    (Started vail3-dom0 -> vail1-dom0)
>    pengine[4274]: 2009/03/12_05:42:05 notice: LogActions: Move
> resource udom-drbd-udom1    (Started vail3-dom0 -> vail1-dom0)
>    pengine[4274]: 2009/03/12_05:42:05 notice: LogActions: Move
> resource udom-drbd-udom2    (Started vail3-dom0 -> vail1-dom0)
>    pengine[4274]: 2009/03/12_05:42:05 notice: LogActions: Move
> resource udom-vm    (Started vail3-dom0 -> vail1-dom0)
> Crm resource status output:
>    $ crm resource status
>    Resource Group: dom0
>        dom0-drbd   (heartbeat:drbddisk) Started
>        dom0-drbd-fs        (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem) Started
>    Clone Set: fencing
>        stonith-resource:0  (stonith:null) Started
>        stonith-resource:1  (stonith:null) Started
>    Resource Group: udom
>        udom-drbd-udom0     (heartbeat:drbddisk) Started
>        udom-drbd-udom1     (heartbeat:drbddisk) Started
>        udom-drbd-udom2     (heartbeat:drbddisk) Started
>        udom-vm     (ocf::heartbeat:Xen) Started
> Crm_mon output:
>    ============
>    Last updated: Thu Mar 12 05:59:51 2009
>    Current DC: vail1-dom0 (054f0769-011d-4464-9e60-868238d96f88)
>    Version: 1.0.2-c02b459053bfa44d509a2a0e0247b291d93662b7
>    2 Nodes configured.
>    3 Resources configured.
>    ============
>    Node: vail3-dom0 (d3639d1c-bd86-407d-87e6-8bac5612cdc5): UNCLEAN (offline)
>    Node: vail1-dom0 (054f0769-011d-4464-9e60-868238d96f88): online
>    Clone Set: fencing
>        stonith-resource:0  (stonith:null): Started vail1-dom0
>        stonith-resource:1  (stonith:null): Started vail3-dom0
> DRBD dstate (this probably has something to do with why the resources
> aren't actually starting, but I'm looking into that myself):
>    UpToDate/DUnknown
>    UpToDate/DUnknown
>    UpToDate/DUnknown
>    UpToDate/DUnknown
>    UpToDate/DUnknown
> DRBD roles:
>    Secondary/Unknown
>    Secondary/Unknown
>    Secondary/Unknown
>    Secondary/Unknown
>    Secondary/Unknown
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