On Wed, Mar 18, 2009 at 07:27, Michael Schwartzkopff <mi...@multinet.de> wrote:
> Hi,
> where can I find information about the latest DTD. I am especially interested
> in information about the crm_config section.
> The two sources of information I found were:
> http://hg.clusterlabs.org/pacemaker/dev/file/tip/xml/crm-1.0.dtd
> http://www.linux-ha.org/ciblint/crm_config
> which somehow contradict each other. The crm.dtd i.e. tells me about an
> attribute transistion_idle_timeout which doesn't exist in the actual
> configuration and
> cibadmin -C -o crm_config -X '<nvpair id="12345" 
> name="transition_idle_timeout"
> value="50"/>'
> results in an error.

It shouldn't.  The DTD doesn't validate names.

> Where to find the real DTD definition? Thanks.

There isn't one, its been replaced by a relax-ng schema :-)

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