Juha Heinanen wrote:
> Juha Heinanen writes:
>  > the real problem is that start of mysql server by pacemaker stops
>  > altogether after a few manual stops (/etc/init.d/mysql stop).
> i think i figured this out.  when pacemaker needed to start my
> mysql-server resource three times on node lenny1, it migrated the group
> to node lenny2.  when i then repeated stoping of mysql-server on lenny2,
> it migrated the group back to lenny1, but didn't start mysql-server,
> because it remembered that it had already started it there 3 times.
> if so, my conclusion is to forget migration-threshold parameter.

That sounds about right.

You can configure a failure-timeout. That's an amount of time after
which the cluster forgets about failures.

Read up on failure timeout and don't miss the section "how to ensure
time based rules take effect" in the pdf documentation.

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