Is there a programmatic interface to CRM available, by which 
an application could query CIB and perhaps be notified (based
on callbacks or some such) about events such as transitions?

Alternatively, is there a way to have CRM trigger a script when
critical events occur? We have a central clearing house of
events from where events are ent out as notifications as 
Syslog, SNMP, Email or Jabber.

I would like to feed CRM events into this event clearing house.

CRM documentations hints that such a mechanism is not yet available:

  TODO: Should traps/events be triggered from inside the different

                components themselves, or might it be a good idea to allow 
                clients to
"subscribe" to certain parts of the CIB and be 
                notified if a change
occurs? This would be helpful for 
                SNMP/CIM traps. (The later would be
somewhat alike FailSafe's cdbd)

If neither is possible, could someone suggest an approximation 
to this functionality?


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