Hi guys!

I am a newbie and I really need your help.

I followed this instruction: http://www.linux-ha.org/GettingStartedV2/TwoApaches

to  confugure 2
apache server in an Active/Active state but it did not work.


I have Win XP host, VirtualBox installed and two Ubuntu


I set both 2 nodes are static IP addresses: 

Node 1:

Node 2:


Both 2 guests are installed Apache2


//may01 and may02 are my guests’s namesmay01  
apache2::/etc/apache2/apache2.conf may02  


<cib>  <configuration>    <crm_config/>    <nodes/>    <resources>      <group 
id="apache_group_1">        <primitive id="ip_resource_1" class="ocf" 
type="IPaddr" provider="heartbeat">          <instance_attributes>            
<attributes>              <nvpair name="ip" value=""/>            
</attributes>          </instance_attributes>        </primitive>        
<primitive id="apache" class="heartbeat" type="apache">          
<instance_attributes>            <attributes>              <nvpair name="1" 
value="/etc/apache2/apache2.conf"/>            </attributes>          
</instance_attributes>        </primitive>      </group>      <group 
id="apache_group_2">        <primitive id="ip_resource_2" class="ocf" 
type="IPaddr" provider="heartbeat">         
 <instance_attributes>            <attributes>              <nvpair name="ip" 
value=""/>            </attributes>          
</instance_attributes>        </primitive>        <primitive id="apache" 
class="heartbeat" type="apache">          <instance_attributes>            
<attributes>              <nvpair name="1" 
value="/etc/apache2/apache2.conf"/>            </attributes>          
</instance_attributes>        </primitive>      </group>    </resources>    
<constraints>      <rsc_location id="run_apache_group_1" 
rsc="apache_group_1">        <rule id="pref_run_apache_group_1" 
score="100">          <expression attribute="#uname" operation="eq" 
value="may01"/>        </rule>      </rsc_location>      <rsc_location 
id="run_apache_group_2" rsc="apache_group_2">        <rule
 id="pref_run_apache_group_2" score="100">          <expression 
attribute="#uname" operation="eq" value="may02"/>        </rule>      
</rsc_location>    </constraints>  </configuration>  <status/></cib>

/etc/ha.d/ha.cf file

logfacility daemon         node may01 may02            keepalive 
1                warntime  3                deadtime 10                bcast 
eth0 eth1            ping           # Ping my router IP of Win XP 
hostauto_failback yes          respawn hacluster /usr/lib/heartbeat/ipfail  

/etc/ha.d/authkeys file

auth 11 sha1 password

Apache Directives

I followed this instruction: http://www.linux-ha.org/GettingStarted/TwoApaches

But I don’t know where to put: Listen and Listen in my may01 and may02 guests, because I installed apache2 and 
I cannot find httpd.cf file like in the instruction. I tried to put it in 
/etc/apache2/httpd.conf and /etc/apache2/apache2.conf either but it still did 
not work. 

Init Directives

In my Ubuntu 8.10 I typed in the terminal to disable apache2 to start when 
Ubuntu starts: Update-rc.d –f apache2 remove



Could somebody tell me what is wrong?


Thank you in advance.


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