
On Fri, Apr 10, 2009 at 01:59:29AM -0400, Martin Suehowicz wrote:
> I ran in to an issue tonight where I could not delete or shutdown the
> R_192.168.1.2  the resource below. I was running service heartbeat stop.
> It would just hang. I ended up killing all heartbeat processes and
> restarting. My question is how do I force heartbeat to shutdown without
> killing processes. 

You can't. There should be a shutdown escalation after 5 minutes
if something hangs resourcewise.



> # crm_mon
> ============
> Last updated: Thu Apr  9 21:59:00 2009
> Current DC: db01.local (d0fc33df-f3a1-47bf-9fdc-dabc8333d46d)
> 2 Nodes configured.
> 0 Resources configured.
> ============
> Node: db01.local (d0fc33df-f3a1-47bf-9fdc-dabf8333d46d): online
> Node: psql02.lax.rubi (cf41e17d-bd47-4784-b5f8-2c97f8432648): OFFLINE
> R_192.168.1.2   (heartbeat::ocf:IPaddr2 ORPHANED):      Started
> db01.local (unmanaged) FAILED
> Failed actions:
>     R_192.168.1.2_stop_0 (node=db01.local, call=3, rc=1): Error
> # crm_verify -VL
> crm_verify[12953]: 2009/04/09_21:39:26 WARN: unpack_rsc_op: Processing
> failed op R_192.168.1.2_stop_0 on db01.local: Error
> crm_verify[12953]: 2009/04/09_21:39:26 WARN: unpack_rsc_op:
> Compatability handling for failed op R_192.168.1.2_stop_0 on db01.local
> crm_verify[12953]: 2009/04/09_21:39:26 WARN: custom_action: Action
> R_192.168.1.2_monitor_0 (unmanaged)
> crm_verify[12953]: 2009/04/09_21:39:26 WARN: custom_action: Action
> R_192.168.1.2_stop_0 (unmanaged)
> crm_verify[12953]: 2009/04/09_21:39:26 WARN: custom_action: Action
> R_192.168.1.2_start_0 (unmanaged)
> crm_verify[12953]: 2009/04/09_21:39:26 WARN: should_dump_action: action
> 6 (R_192.168.1.2_stop_0) was for an unmanaged resource (R_192.168.1.2)
> crm_verify[12953]: 2009/04/09_21:39:26 WARN: should_dump_action: action
> 7 (R_192.168.1.2_start_0) was for an unmanaged resource (R_192.168.1.2)
> crm_verify[12953]: 2009/04/09_21:39:26 WARN: should_dump_action: action
> 6 (R_192.168.1.2_stop_0) was for an unmanaged resource (R_192.168.1.2)
> crm_verify[12953]: 2009/04/09_21:39:26 WARN: should_dump_action: action
> 7 (R_192.168.1.2_start_0) was for an unmanaged resource (R_192.168.1.2)
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> Linux-HA@lists.linux-ha.org
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See also: http://linux-ha.org/ReportingProblems

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