
On Wed, Apr 15, 2009 at 01:37:40PM +0200, Cristina Bulfon wrote:
> On Apr 15, 2009, at 1:18 PM, Dejan Muhamedagic wrote:
>> Ciao,
>> On Wed, Apr 15, 2009 at 12:53:41PM +0200, Cristina Bulfon wrote:
>>> Ciao Dejan,
>>> I am doing back & forth on this item :-)
>>> I moved to 2.14. version and back to V1 style... I don't use anymore 
>>> DRBD,
>>> just the mount
>> Do you need drbd?
> No.. when I started the first time to use heartbeat I couldn't manage the 
> filesystem mount with heartbeat
> so I used DRDB as workaround, I don't need it since my devices are visible 
> through the SAN.

OK. Make sure that you also configure fencing/stonith!

>>> So the haresources file is the follows
>>>  IPaddr::
>>>   Filesystem::/dev/AFS/sda3::/vicepa::xfs
>>>   Filesystem::/dev/AFS/sda1::/usr/afs::ext3
>>>   afs
>>> when I put the master node in stand_by or I stop the heartbeat, happens 
>>> the
>>> following things
>>> - try the umount the filesystems before to stop "afs"..
>> Isn't it afs stop before filesystem?
> That's is the problem I don't understand why .. it seems that
> the stop is performed in the same  "start" order

That can't be. Really. Can't recall anymore how v1 works, perhaps
it looks at the status before deciding whether to stop a

>>> umount: /vicepa: device is busy
>>> umount: /vicepa: device is busy
>>> Filesystem[3427]:       2009/04/14_09:16:52 ERROR: Couldn't unmount
>>> /vicepa; trying cleanup with SIGTERM
>>> /vicepa:
>> This may be normal, i.e. there could be processes using the
>> filesystem, though typically there are only applications which
>> depend on the filesystem (in this case afs) which should be
>> doing something there. If this is a concern, you should check
>> which processes have files open over there (fuser,lsof).
>>> With 2.1.3 version I didn;t see any kind of those message, everything is 
>>> V1
>>> style was fine.
>> I suspect that the afs RA is not working correctly, in particular
>> the status operation.
> I will take a look
> thanks cristina


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