I finally got it. Replaced underscore with dash as indicated by Andrew
few messages ago.

"In 1.0.x most underscores were replaced with dashes.
So try changing allow_migrate to allow-migrate"

The meta attribute "allow-migrate" does the job for me. Thanks Andrew.

I think an update into the Xen RA would be really handy for those who
have this issues (I found a lot of people eventually). The information
contained into the OCF RA cause big headaches. A documentation update
would be really appreciated too.



Jan Kalcic wrote:
> The following is the xml for the resource
> <primitive class="ocf" id="vm1" provider="heartbeat" type="Xen">
>         <meta_attributes id="vm1-meta_attributes">
>           <nvpair id="nvpair-e866b8c2-95bb-4f16-b800-46d1d789c940"
> name="target-role" value="started"/>
>         </meta_attributes>
>         <operations id="vm1-operations">
>           <op id="vm1-op-monitor-10" interval="10" name="monitor"
> start-delay="20" timeout="60"/>
>           <op id="vm1-op-start" interval="0" name="start"
> start-delay="10" timeout="60"/>
>           <op id="vm1-op-stop" interval="0" name="stop" start-delay="10"
> timeout="60"/>
>           <op id="vm1-op-migrate" interval="0" name="migrate_to"
> start-delay="10" timeout="120"/>
>         </operations>
>         <instance_attributes id="vm1-instance_attributes">
>           <nvpair id="nvpair-5be0f952-e602-4716-b22c-d53be1581fb7"
> name="xmfile" value="/etc/xen/vm/sles11"/>
>           <nvpair id="nvpair-14481a08-0131-4b0e-a636-0bec4cc1a317"
> name="allow_migrate" value="true"/>
>         </instance_attributes>
>       </primitive>
> Thanks,
> Jan
> Jan Kalcic wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> as in subject, I configured a simple Xen resource with the attribute
>> "allow_migrate" "true" in order to migrate it live but it's always
>> stopped and re-started. Strange is that with the xm tool I can migrate
>> it live without any problem.
>> pacemaker-1.0.3 on SLES 11
>> Any hints?
>> Thanks,
>> Jan

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