On Tue, May 26, 2009 at 10:07 PM, Kevin Harms <ha...@alcf.anl.gov> wrote:
>   I have setup an 8 node cluster. The cluster has 15 resources. I
> setup the system such that all 15 resources are  distributed on the 7
> primary nodes when the cluster starts up. I would like it such that
> when a node fails, the resources are migrated to the backup node first
> and then subsequently balancing the resource distribution among the
> remaining nodes. I'm running HB 2.1.4. It is my understanding that if
> the score values are equal then the node with the fewest resources
> will be selected as the target node. During my testing I don't find
> this to be the case. It seems like the node selected is the first node
> listed in the crm_mon output:
> Node: fs24 (1ff11fab-a613-4335-b302-33dd812bf99b): online
> Node: fs23 (85a8a44b-9e1e-4aaa-bedf-d023398b5553): online
> Node: fs22 (bf727f13-62d9-450b-b389-86353994ffe1): online
> Node: fs21 (4d36cf33-7540-45e5-b6ae-d3d34661de75): online
> Node: fs20 (11d49119-471f-4ce1-bbed-2603edee32fc): online
> Node: fs19 (f10a906e-5ad2-4e49-af91-f9ebbfa2b52d): online
> Node: fs18 (d538b892-ddee-4dac-aaf1-e29dcf85817b): online
> Node: fs17 (9073d06c-e040-46f9-9a69-9c3e7719333c): online
>   Can anyone confirm the behavior of Heartbeat 2.1.4 for node
> selection in the case where scores are equal?

I'd have to see your config to be able to comment
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