Alain.Moulle wrote:
> Thanks Andrew,
> 1. So my understanding is that in a "more than 2 nodes cluster" , if
> two nodes are failed, the have_quorum is set to 0 by the cluster soft
> and the behavior is choosen by the administrator with the no-quorum-policy
> parameter. So the question is now : what is the best choice for 
> no-quorum-policy
> value ? My feeling is that "ignore" would be the best choice if all services
> can run without problems on the remaining healthy nodes.

That's not the only case this can happen. If you run into split-brain,
each node may be healthy but the network connections may be broken. With
"ignore", you will end up with resources running multiple times. That's
a problem sometimes ;)

Don't use ignore in >2 node clusters.

> "suicide" or "stop" : my understanding is that it will kill the 
> remaining healthy nodes or
> stop the services running on them, so it does not sound good for me ... 
> "freeze" : don't see the difference between "freeze" and "ignore" ... ?
> Am I right ?
> 2. and what about the quorum policy in a two-nodes cluster ?

You need working stonith and policy=ignore, as no node can have >50% on
its own. When the connection is lost, one node will shoot the other. The
cluster software should not be started at boot time, otherwise you will
end up in a stonith death match. There was quite a nice explanation on
the pacemaker list some time ago. Look for STONITH Deathmatch Explained
in the archives.

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