Am Montag, 17. August 2009 12:58:24 schrieb Tobias Appel:
> Hi,
> I have a very weird error with heartbeat version 2.14.
> I have two IPMI resources for my two nodes. The configuration is posted
> here:
> node1 is named nagios1
> node2 is named nagios2
> now I have ipmi_nagios1 (which should run on nagios2 to shutdown nagios1)
> and ipmi_nagios2 (which should run on nagios1 to shutdown nagios2).
> It's confusing I know.
> Now I set up to constraints which force with score infinity a resource
> to only run on their designated node.
> For the resource ipmi_nagios2 it works without a problem. It only runs
> on nagios1 and is never started on nagios2. But the other resource which
> is identically configured (just the hostname differs) does not work -
> heartbeat always wants to start it on nagios1 and very seldom starts it
> on nagios2. Just now it failed to start on nagios1 and I hit clean up
> resource, waited a bit, failed again and after 3 times the cluster went
> havoc and turned off one of the nodes!
> I even tried to set a constraint via the UI - it's then labeled
> cli-constraint-name but even with this as well heartbeat still tried to
> start it on the wrong node!
> Now I'm really at a loss, maybe my configuration is wrong, or maybe it
> really is a bug in heartbeat.
> Here is the link to the configuration again:
> I honestly don't know what to do anymore. I have to stop the ipmi
> service at the moment because otherwise it might randomly turn off one
> of the nodes, but without it we don't have any fencing so it's a quite
> delicate situation at the moment.
> Any input is greatly appreciated.
> Regards,
> Tobias

Perhaps a -INFINITY for the node it can STONITH would be more appropriate?

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