On Fri, Oct 2, 2009 at 1:14 PM, Michael Schwartzkopff <mi...@multinet.de> wrote:
> Am Freitag, 2. Oktober 2009 13:05:42 schrieb Colin:
>> is there any experience on using Heartbeat with a N+N cluster, i.e. a
>> cluster with more than 2 nodes split over two fire-areas?
>> As far as I can gather from the documentation, this setup has the
>> problem that if one fire-area is offline, then the other fire-area
>> will either stop working immediately, or as soon as one of its
>> computers has a problem (I read somewhere in the documentation that >
>> 50% are needed in a group of nodes to carry on, however in a two-node
>> setup that would not work...?) which somehow defeats the intention of
>> a fire-area to improve availability...
> It depends on your setup. heartbeat doesn't care about quorum if there are
> only two nodes in the cluster. If you have more nodes you can disable this
> feature and and/or use stonith.

Is disabling the quorum a binary decision, or can I choose the percentage?

> Anyway: I would advise you not to use heartbeat any more, but to upgrade to
> pacemaker.

We want to use pacemaker, however pacemaker in turn uses heartbeat (?) ...

... except that pacemaker can also use openais instead of heartbeat,
is that what you mean?

Regards, Colin
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