On Fri, Jan 15, 2010 at 7:23 AM, 梁景明 <futur...@gmail.com> wrote:
> hi ,there are 4 cases in my application to use pacemaker
> case 1: one tomcat unexpected down ,restart it by pacemaker.
> case 2: one tomcat served machine unexpected down ,fail over to another
> machine,back if it recover.
> case 3: some tomcat only run on some special nodes ,the others cant monitor
> it.
> case 4: one server application runs only after some application started , it
> means runs by order.
> first i try to exam case 1.
> i built a 4 nodes environment to test it ,and standby three nodes .like this
> ============
> Last updated: Fri Jan 15 11:57:49 2010
> Stack: openais
> Current DC: bak1 - partition with quorum
> Version: 1.0.5-3840e6b5a305ccb803d29b468556739e75532d56
> 4 Nodes configured, 4 expected votes
> 1 Resources configured.
> ============
> Node bak1: standby
> Node test1: standby
> Node test2: standby
> Online: [ ubuntu ]
> and tomcat lsb script i use the example from the doc on wiki. it started on
> node ubuntu like this "*sudo sh /etc/init.d/tomcatpace start*" no problem.
> crm configure :
> node bak1 \
>    attributes standby="on"
> node test1 \
>    attributes standby="on"
> node test2 \
>    attributes standby="on"
> node ubuntu
> primitive tomcat lsb:tomcatpace \
>    op monitor interval="10" timeout="30s" \
>    meta migration-threshold="10" target-role="Started"
> first i think only ubuntu is online ,so the script only run on ubuntu ,is it
> right?
> but it fails .it seems to be all the nodes running the script.
> Node bak1: standby
> Node test1: standby
> Node test2: standby
> Online: [ ubuntu ]
> tomcat    (lsb:tomcatpace) Started [    bak1    test1    test2 ]
> Failed actions:
>    tomcat_monitor_0 (node=bak1, call=2, rc=254, status=complete): <unknown>
>    tomcat_stop_0 (node=bak1, call=3, rc=254, status=complete): <unknown>
>    tomcat_monitor_0 (node=test1, call=2, rc=254, status=complete):
> <unknown>
>    tomcat_stop_0 (node=test1, call=3, rc=254, status=complete): <unknown>
>    tomcat_monitor_0 (node=test2, call=2, rc=254, status=complete):
> <unknown>
>    tomcat_stop_0 (node=test2, call=3, rc=254, status=complete): <unknown>

Have a look at:

In your case, the failed actions indicate the script is not LSB compliant:

First thing to do before trying anything else is to fix the script.

> then i added location rule ,but i am not sure about the usage of it ,so  i
> followed the example .
> location prefer-ubuntu tomcat \
>        rule $id="prefer-rule" 100: #uname eq ubuntu
> is the line to prefer ubuntu node ,and only run on that node ? current
> configure :
> node bak1 \
>        attributes standby="on"
> node test1 \
>        attributes standby="on"
> node test2 \
>        attributes standby="on"
> node ubuntu
> primitive tomcat lsb:tomcatpace \
>        op monitor interval="10" timeout="30s" \
>        meta migration-threshold="10" target-role="Started"
> location prefer-ubuntu tomcat \
>        rule $id="prefer-rule" 100: #uname eq ubuntu
> but it fails again
> Node bak1: standby
> Node test1: standby
> Node test2: standby
> Online: [ ubuntu ]
> tomcat  (lsb:tomcatpace) Started [      bak1    test1   test2 ]
> Failed actions:
>    tomcat_monitor_0 (node=bak1, call=2, rc=254, status=complete): <unknown>
>    tomcat_stop_0 (node=bak1, call=3, rc=254, status=complete): <unknown>
>    tomcat_monitor_0 (node=test1, call=2, rc=254, status=complete): <unknown>
>    tomcat_stop_0 (node=test1, call=3, rc=254, status=complete): <unknown>
>    tomcat_monitor_0 (node=test2, call=2, rc=254, status=complete): <unknown>  
> )
> thanks for any help .
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