On Mon, Feb 15, 2010 at 1:06 PM, fabio.anton...@kaskonetworks.it
<fabio.anton...@kaskonetworks.it> wrote:
> Hi all
> I'm a newbie of Linux-HA.
> My final target is to setup a simple 2 nodes cluster with a only one
> virtual IP address.
> I have a couple of PCs running heartbeat 2.1.4-2 (Ubuntu 9.0.4).
> The PCs are named
> fabio-laptop and ws-mythtv-9
> Their IP addresses are respectively
> fabio-laptop:
> ws-mythtv-9:
> My ha.cf file is
> autojoin any
> udpport 694
> bcast eth0
> warntime 5
> deadtime 15
> initdead 60
> keepalive 2
> node fabio-laptop
> node ws-mythtv-9
> auto_failback off
> debugfile /var/log/ha-debug
> logfile /var/log/ha-log
> # Logging
> debug        1
> coredumps    true
> logfacility    daemon
> crm respawn
> Of course this file has been replicated on both the PCs.
> My haresources is:

haresources isn't used for crm based clusters (indicated by "crm
respawn" in ha.cf)
have a read of:

> fabio-laptop
> In other words I would like to have a virtual IP address
> in high availability.
> I run both the heartbeat daemons but I cannot see the eth0:0 assigned to
> the Active PC (fabio-laptop). Should I see the eth0:0 created at boot
> time or not?
> The hearbeat channel seems to be working because if I shutdown one of
> the linux box (either fabio-laptop pr ws-mythtv-9) I see that the remote
> part detects such event. Anyway I cannot see the eth0:0 virtual
> interface defined in any case.
> Probably I have a basic setup problem. Have I to write some additional
> file or to provide some additional info to heartbeat and crm daemons?
> Please let me know if you need some more details or log info.
> Any help will be appreciated.
> Regards
> fabio antonini
> --
> Fabio Antonini PhD
> SW Designer
> Kasko Networks srl
> Loc.Boschetto, zona ind.le di Pile
> 67100 L'Aquila
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See also: http://linux-ha.org/ReportingProblems

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