Expressions like these:

<expression attribute="dbma04_gateway_reachable"
operation="lt" value="100"/>

Should include type="integer" so that the cluster does the correct
type of comparison.
Try that and let us know if it improves things.

On Wed, Mar 24, 2010 at 11:45 AM, Scheffler Heinz
<> wrote:
> Hello
> I have a corosync-pacemaker Cluster with two nodes (mutual takeover).  All 
> resource locations on one node depending on the nodes network connectivitiy. 
> pingd-depending rules for the ip interfaces in a base - group and then  
> colocations for all other groups. I wrote rules around pingd for the 
> following situations:
> Notation:
> - Node a
>  - Node b
> - "ip a" is the ip interface resource on node a
> - "ip b" is the ip interface resource on node b
> - pingd resource for a, running on node a (with score infinity), host to ping 
> is the default gateway, dampen 60s, operations interval 5s, operations 
> timeout 25s
> - pingd resource for b, running on node b (with score infinity),  host to 
> ping is the default gateway, dampen 60s, operations interval 5s, operations 
> timeout 25s
> (both nodes are in one subnet with one gateway)
> The Rules:
> base location - score for ip a on node a = 500
> base location - score for ip b on node b = 500
> if node a can ping the defaultgateway then score for ip a on node a = +1500
> if node b can ping the defaultgateway then score for ip a on node b = +1000
> if node b can't ping defaultgateway then score for ip a on node b = -INFINITY
> if node b can ping the defaultgateway then score for ip b on node b = +1500
> if node a can ping the defaultgateway then score for ip b on node a = +1000
> if node a can't ping defaultgateway then score for ip b on node a = -INFINITY
> What I want:
> If one node can't reach the defaultgateway, all resources running on that 
> node, should switch to the other node, IF the other node can still reach the 
> defaultgateway.
> If the "other" node also can't reach the defaultgateway, nothing should 
> happen and all resources should stay on the node they are currently running.
> The Problem:
> If I unplug the network cable on both nodes (at one time), the resources 
> should stay on the node they are currently running. BUT one node detects the 
> failed gateway ping earlyer, so the cluster trys to switch its resources. 
> After a short time, the other node detects the failed gateway and all 
> switched resources goes back to the node they running before. I thought the 
> attribute "dumpen" is the solution to handle this problem?  All other cases 
> are working fine.
> The Config (constraints section only):
> <constraints>
> <rsc_location id="location_dbma03_gateway_reachable" node="dbma03" 
> rsc="resource_pingd_dbma03_gateway_reachable" score="+INFINITY"/>
> <rsc_location id="location_dbma04_gateway_reachable" node="dbma04" 
> rsc="resource_pingd_dbma04_gateway_reachable" score="+INFINITY"/>
> <rsc_location id="dbma03_base_group_default" node="dbma03" 
> rsc="resource_dbma03s_ip" score="500"/>
> <rsc_location id="dbma04_base_group_default" node="dbma04" 
> rsc="resource_dbma04s_ip" score="500"/>
> <rsc_location id="location_resource_dbma03s_ip_ping_depending" 
> rsc="resource_dbma03s_ip">
> <rule id="rule-resource_dbma03s_ip-standard-location" score="+1500">
> <expression attribute="dbma03_gateway_reachable" 
> id="ping-resource_dbma03s_ip-03-normal-state-rule-condition1" operation="eq" 
> value="100"/>
> <expression attribute="#uname" 
> id="ping-resource_dbma03s_ip-03-normal-state-rule-condition2" operation="eq" 
> value="dbma03"/>
> </rule>
> <rule id="ping-resource_dbma04s_ip-03-normal-state" score="+1000">
> <expression attribute="dbma04_gateway_reachable" 
> id="ping-resource_dbma04s_ip-03-normal-state-rule-condition1" operation="eq" 
> value="100"/>
> <expression attribute="#uname" 
> id="ping-resource_dbma04s_ip-03-normal-state-rule-condition2" operation="eq" 
> value="dbma04"/>
> </rule>
> <rule id="xping-resource_dbma04s_ip-03-normal-state" score="-INFINITY">
> <expression attribute="dbma04_gateway_reachable" 
> id="xping-resource_dbma04s_ip-03-normal-state-rule-condition1" operation="lt" 
> value="100"/>
> <expression attribute="#uname" 
> id="xping-resource_dbma04s_ip-03-normal-state-rule-condition2" operation="eq" 
> value="dbma04"/>
> </rule>
> </rsc_location>
> <rsc_location id="location_resource_dbma04s_ip_ping_depending" 
> rsc="resource_dbma04s_ip">
> <rule id="rule-resource_dbma04s_ip-standard-location" score="+1500">
> <expression attribute="dbma04_gateway_reachable" 
> id="ping-resource_dbma04s_ip-04-normal-state-rule-condition1" operation="eq" 
> value="100"/>
> <expression attribute="#uname" 
> id="ping-resource_dbma04s_ip-04-normal-state-rule-condition2" operation="eq" 
> value="dbma04"/>
> </rule>
> <rule id="ping-resource_dbma03s_ip-04-normal-state" score="+1000">
> <expression attribute="dbma03_gateway_reachable" 
> id="ping-resource_dbma03s_ip-04-normal-state-rule-condition1" operation="eq" 
> value="100"/>
> <expression attribute="#uname" 
> id="ping-resource_dbma03s_ip-04-normal-state-rule-condition2" operation="eq" 
> value="dbma03"/>
> </rule>
> <rule id="Xping-resource_dbma03s_ip-04-normal-state" score="-INFINITY">
> <expression attribute="dbma03_gateway_reachable" 
> id="Xping-resource_dbma03s_ip-04-normal-state-rule-condition1" operation="lt" 
> value="100"/>
> <expression attribute="#uname" 
> id="Xping-resource_dbma03s_ip-04-normal-state-rule-condition2" operation="eq" 
> value="dbma03"/>
> </rule>
> </rsc_location>
> </constraints>
>  Thanks
> Heinz
>  <>
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