On Mon, Feb 22, 2010 at 9:50 PM, Andrew Beekhof <and...@beekhof.net> wrote:

> On Fri, Feb 19, 2010 at 4:58 PM, Ruiyuan Jiang <ruiyuan_ji...@liz.com>
> wrote:
> > Hi, Andreas
> >
> > I am not sure what you mean to monitor it. Can you give me more detailed
> info?
> In the apache OCF script, there is a function called monitor.
> Check what it does, see if that works for you.
Probably a bit to late to answer/contribute ;-)
But I'm testing/evaluating pacemaker for migration from a system with RH EL
5.2, heartbeat 2.1.4, drbd 8.2.6 and I arrived here...

My test base for the new cluster is RH EL 5.5 with Pacemaker 1.0.8-5 from
clusterlabs rpm repo.
I'm doing some tests based on the Cluster from Scratch document.
To have the stock rh el 5.5 based httpd working (version 2.2.3-43) clean, I
have to configure this way:

crm configure primitive SitoWeb ocf:heartbeat:apache \
params configfile=/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf \
op monitor interval=1min \
op start timeout=40 \
op stop timeout=60

In fact using what provided in doc, that should be for Fedora 12 (and
httpd 2.2.14-1, but it seems the conf are quite similar....)
crm configure primitive SitoWeb ocf:heartbeat:apache \
>          params configfile=/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf \
>          op monitor interval=1min
I get

WARNING: SitoWeb: default-action-timeout 20s for start is smaller than the
advised 40s
WARNING: SitoWeb: default-action-timeout 20s for stop is smaller than the
advised 60s

Who is responsible for "advise" here? Is it because pacemaker version and
default settings changed between the document write up and my version?

Also, answering to the initial question, to have the httpd test resource
started and monitored correctly in rh el 5.5 I only had to modify the
default httpd.conf provided:
 [r...@ha1 conf]# diff httpd.conf httpd.conf.orig

< <Location /server-status>
<     SetHandler server-status
<     Order deny,allow
<     Deny from all
<     Allow from
< </Location>
> #<Location /server-status>
> #    SetHandler server-status
> #    Order deny,allow
> #    Deny from all
> #    Allow from .example.com
> #</Location>

PS: at this moment for preliminary testing I have stonith disabled and the
same for the quorum

One question: in general who is responsible for the monitor? Only the node
carrying on the service at that moment, or all the configured nodes?
In final configuration a web site in general would be colocated with a
cluster ip; in that case will I need again only the line
Allow from as I see in /usr/lib/ocf/resource.d/heartbeat/apache?
While the cluster ip web access sanity will be tested inside the testurl
parameter instead?

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