On Wed, April 28, 2010 2:19 pm, Gianluca Cecchi wrote:
> Hello,
> if I create a resource XXX with some wrong (in the sense of different from
>  advised) op values, I can
> crm configure delete XXX
> and then
> crm configure primitive XXX   <with_the_ok_params and op...>
> So I can set/delete a param with
> crm resource param XXX set param_YYY crm resource param XXX delete
> param_YYY
> But how can I chnage an op parameter when I receive warning during
> creation such as

For example you can do "crm configure edit", change what you need in your
favorite editor and as you save the changes will be commited.


: Dipl-Ing Rastislav Levrinc
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