I do have to agree.  I've actually been working for almost 4 business days
now on trying to get Heartbeat and Pacemaker working together and have ran
into tons of issues.  Unfortunatly since this is for a client it's not
really something I have an option on and I plan on plugging away a little
bit further tonight.  Should I make any progress in the near future I plan
on writing up some docs that may help others that are trying to get this
I have confidence that, ones implemented, the process will work well.  It's
come recommended from several sources including consultants on the MySQL
team.  Hopefully I can get this up and running soon!  If I was to make a
recommendation for the development team I would say to try and make this
more user friendly, especially for those of use that are working on servers
with no GUI.

 - Peter
On Wed, Aug 11, 2010 at 5:44 PM, David Lang

> > haresources2cib.py is obsolete and probably produces a bad
> > cib.xml. The recommended way is to create a configuration using
> > the crm shell.
> Ok, so this means that there is officially no migration path for those of
> us
> using a V1 sty;e config
> This is really starting to sound like we need to fork heartbeat back to the
> 2.x or thereabouts when it could work for simple things easily.
> does anyone have a good handle on where we should start and what bugs have
> been
> fixed since then (as opposed to new features added, components split out,
> etc)?
> I've been watching things get more and more complicated over time, and I
> recognise that to solve complex problems you sometimes need that
> complexity, but
> there are a LOT of problems that aren't that complex. Heartbeat has been
> making
> it harder and harder to do simple things, and with the difficulty in
> figuring
> out what version 3.0.2 is doing that Igor is experiancing, and the
> inability to
> take a simple config and convert it to the new format, it is sounding like
> it
> may be time to fork.
> David Lang
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