New thread?
Probably means its too old then.  Where did you get it?

On Wed, Nov 24, 2010 at 8:32 AM, Alain.Moulle <> wrote:
> Hi,
> # crm_report --features
> pcmk_report: unrecognized option '--features'
> nodename:     ERROR: Not sure what to do, no tests or times to extract
> and : (no --features option described in help)
> #crm_report -h
> usage: crm_report -f {YYYY-M-D H:M:S} [-t {YYYY-M-D H:M:S}] [optional
> options] [dest]
>  -v            increase verbosity
>  -f, --from time    time to start from: YYYY-M-D H:M:S
>  -t, --to time        time to finish at (default: now)
>  -T, --cts test    CTS test or set of tests to extract
>  -n, --nodes nodes    node names for this cluster
>            only needed if the cluster is not active on the current machine
>            accepts both -n "a b" and -n a -n b
>  -l, --logfile file    log file to collect, normally this will be
> determined automatically
>  -p patt        additional regular expression to match variables to be
> removed
>            (default: "passw.*")
>  -L patt        additional regular expression to match in log files for
> analysis
>            (default: CRIT: ERROR:)
>  -M            collect only the logs specified by -l
>  -S, --single-node    single node operation; don't try to start report
> collectors on other nodes
>  -c, --cluster type    force the cluster type
> (corosync,openais,heartbeat,logmaster)
>  -A, --openais        force the cluster type to be OpenAIS
>  -C, --corosync    force the cluster type to be CoroSync
>  -H, --heartbeat    force the cluster type to be Heartbeat
>  -u, --user user    ssh username for cluster nodes (default: root)
>  dest            a custom destination directory
> Alain
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