On Thu, Mar 10, 2011 at 3:54 PM, Artur <linu...@netdirect.fr> wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm currently switching to Heartbeat (3.0.3) and Pacemaker ( on
> Debian Squeeze with CRM/CIB setup.
> This is the first time i try to configure it so please be kind with a
> newbie. :)
> I would like to setup an active/active cluster with 2 nodes, with sticky
> resources and a connectivity check.
> At this time i have a basic working solution without connectivity check.
> The configuration follows at the bottom of the email.
> But i am unable to configure the connectivity check with the pingd resource.
> The (basic) configuration explained :
> - on node p01 there are 2 sticky resources called WWW1 (apache web
> server) and VIP1 (virtual IP)
> - on node p17 there is 1 sticky resource called VIP2 (virtual IP)
> In my mind this is how it should work :
> - if a node is down its sticky resources go to the other node (this works)
> - if a node has no connectivity the resources go to the other node
> (unable to make it work)
> - if a down node goes up, the sticky resources are migrated back on it
> (this works in the current setup with no connectivity check)
> I created a pingd primitive and cloned it as explained in tutorials and
> tried some rules but with no success.
> I tried to add the following rules with no success :
> location www1-on-p01-connected WWW1 \
>    rule $id="www1-on-p01-connected-rule" pingd: defined pingd \
>    rule $id="www1-on-p01-connected-rule-0" -1000: not_defined pingd or
> pingd lte 0 \

change -1000 to -INFINITY

>    rule $id="www1-on-p01-connected-rule-1" 1000: #uname eq p01
> location vip2-on-p17-connected VIP2 \
>    rule $id="vip2-on-p17-connected-rule" pingd: defined pingd \
>    rule $id="vip2-on-p17-connected-rule-0" -1000: not_defined pingd or
> pingd lte 0 \

here too

>    rule $id="vip2-on-p17-connected-rule-1" 1000: #uname eq p17
> This is the current setup without active connectivity check but with
> cloned pingd primitive :
> node $id="52dadc12-ada6-46a0-8474-639a62dfa3ad" p17
> node $id="6d96beed-abd9-4ad1-9a92-b6560abc0475" p01
> primitive VIP1 ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr2 \
>        params ip="" cidr_netmask="32" iflabel="vip1" \
>        op monitor interval="30s"
> primitive VIP2 ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr2 \
>        params ip="" cidr_netmask="32" iflabel="vip2" \
>        op monitor interval="30s"
> primitive WWW1 ocf:heartbeat:apache \
>        params configfile="/etc/apache2/apache2.conf"
> primitive pingd ocf:pacemaker:pingd \
>        params host_list="" multiplier="1000" \
>        op monitor interval="15s" timeout="5s"
> clone pingdclone pingd \
>        meta globally-unique="false"
> location vip2-on-p17 VIP2 250: p17
> location www1-on-p01 WWW1 250: p01
> colocation www1-with-vip1 inf: WWW1 VIP1
> order www1-after-vip1 inf: VIP1 WWW1
> property $id="cib-bootstrap-options" \
>        stonith-enabled="false" \
>        no-quorum-policy="ignore" \
>        dc-version="1.0.9-74392a28b7f31d7ddc86689598bd23114f58978b" \
>        cluster-infrastructure="Heartbeat"
> Any ideas about how to make it work ?
> --
> Best regards,
> Artur.
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