On 5/9/2011 at 06:29 AM, "Stallmann, Andreas" <astallm...@conet.de> wrote: 
> Hi! 
> > Try "corosync-objctl runtime.totem.pg.mrp.srp.members".  You should see  
> something like: 
> Actually (honestly!) this command does not return anything. For  
> corosync-objctl I can see a whole lot of objects of the type/class  
> runtime.totem.pg.mrp, but none of the type "members". 
> The corosync version is the one delivered with open suse 11.3. Any ideas,  
> why this object does not exist? 

>From memory that's corosync 1.2.something.  Maybe those items don't exist
in that version (not sure offhand).

Try this, on each node:

# grep CLM /var/log/messages

You should see something like:

 ... corosync[3443]:  [CLM   ] CLM CONFIGURATION CHANGE
 ... corosync[3443]:  [CLM   ] New Configuration:
 ... corosync[3443]:  [CLM   ]  r(0) ip(
 ... corosync[3443]:  [CLM   ]  r(0) ip(
 ... corosync[3443]:  [CLM   ] Members Left:
 ... corosync[3443]:  [CLM   ] Members Joined:
 ... corosync[3443]:  [CLM   ]  r(0) ip(

In the above case, has just joined, and both nodes can see
each other (the lines under "New Configuration").

If each node can only see itself, it's presumably a networking problem
or some corosync misconfiguration (or bug).  Otherwise, check the logs
for errors/warnings from Pacemaker.



Tim Serong <tser...@novell.com>
Senior Clustering Engineer, OPS Engineering, Novell Inc.

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