On 2011-05-19T10:36:04, Ulrich Windl <ulrich.wi...@rz.uni-regensburg.de> wrote:

> reading the SFEX wiki page, I felt the main reason for confusion is the 
> description of SFEX itself: "SFEX is resource which control ownership of 
> shared disk"

That is true - that is the effect if properly configured and integrated
into the dependency tree of Pacemaker.

> As my reading suggests, that is not true. Instead the truth seems to be: 
> "SFEX is a resource that controls ownership of shared resources by using a 
> shared disk"
> So you see why I thought a raid needs two SFEX devices. Knowing that you can 
> control multiple resources with one SFEX device, results in a different 
> solution.

The integrity of all resources is already implicitly protected via
fencing. sfex effectively only makes sense where fencing isn't
available; both are advisory in the sense that they rely on proper
operation of the policy engine.

> I'll attach my handwritten comments on the page (200kB of PDF, sorry for 
> that!), so maybe someone can update the wiki page. (If you grant me write 
> access, I could do as well, but I don't know whether I'm right).

I do appreciate your feedback, but reading handwritten notes really
isn't the best way to go about this. You can register for the wiki
yourself, though.

> Can I say that an SFEX resource is a mutex lock, and the "-n" parameter 
> specifies the number of such locks (and not the number of hosts accessing the 
> lock)?

SFEX provides advisory locking, and the locks are enumerated, yes. At
sfex_init time, -n specifies the number of slots for locks on the
device. sfex_lock supports the -i switch to select one of these slots;
mapping between locks to protected services is an admin task.

It doesn't support shared locks, it is exclusive-only.


Architect Storage/HA, OPS Engineering, Novell, Inc.
SUSE LINUX Products GmbH, GF: Jeff Hawn, Jennifer Guild, Felix Imendörffer, HRB 
21284 (AG Nürnberg)
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