
I wonder what excatly means these lines : 

1307433475 2011 Jun  7 09:57:55 thau2 daemon info pengine [10781]: info: 
get_failcount: fs-BCM-data has failed INFINITY times on node2
1307433475 2011 Jun  7 09:57:55 node2 daemon warning pengine [10781]: 
WARN: common_apply_stickiness: Forcing fs-data away from node2 after 
1000000 failures (max=1)
1307433475 2011 Jun  7 09:57:55 node2 daemon debug pengine [10781]: debug: 
custom_action: Action fs-data_start_0 (unmanaged)
1307433926 2011 Jun  7 10:05:26 node2 daemon warning pengine [10781]: 
WARN: unpack_rsc_op: Processing failed op fs-data_stop_0 on node2: unknown 
exec error (-2)
1307433926 2011 Jun  7 10:05:26 node2 daemon notice pengine [10781]: 
notice: native_print:      fs-data      (ocf::Bull:Filesystem): Started 
node2 (unmanaged) FAILED
1307433926 2011 Jun  7 10:05:26 node2 daemon warning pengine [10781]: 
WARN: common_apply_stickiness: Forcing fs-data away from node2 after 
1000000 failures (max=1)
1307433926 2011 Jun  7 10:05:26 node2 daemon warning pengine [10781]: 
WARN: should_dump_input: Ignoring requirement that fs-data_stop_0 
comeplete before fs-BCM_stopped_0: unmanaged failed resources cannot 
prevent shutdown

I mean how can I exactly know the initial cause of the problem ...

And may I force the failcount to 0 and how can I easily do it , so that I 
could restart the resource ?

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