On Wed, Jul 13, 2011 at 10:00 PM, Trujillo Carmona, Antonio
<antonio.trujillo.s...@juntadeandalucia.es> wrote:
> I need three resources collocated.
> I use:
> colocation res_Nagios-res_centcore +inf: res_Nagios:Started
> res_centstorage:Started
> colocation res_centcore-res_centstorage +inf: res_centcore:Started
> res_centstorage:Started
> colocation res_centstorage-res_Nagios +inf: res_centstorage:Started
> res_Nagios:Sta:
> in a wheel.

Don't use a loop.  A chain is sufficient.

> is this ok or is better and other way?
> Thank.
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