On Fri, Aug 12, 2011 at 10:13 PM, Ulrich Windl
<ulrich.wi...@rz.uni-regensburg.de> wrote:
> Hi,
> regarding these error maessages:
> Aug  5 13:47:13 h02 pengine: [11473]: ERROR: is_op_dup: Operation prm_t11_as
> cs_ers-op-monitor-Slave-30 is a duplicate of 
> prm_t11_ascs_ers-op-monitor-Master-30
> Aug  5 13:47:13 h02 pengine: [11473]: ERROR: is_op_dup: Do not use the same
> (name, interval) combination more than once per resource
> The correspondig resource has this definition:
> crm(live)configure# show prm_t11_ascs_ers
> primitive prm_t11_ascs_ers ocf:heartbeat:SAPInstance \
>        operations $id="prm_t11_ascs_ers-operations" \
>        op start interval="0" timeout="120" \
>        op stop interval="0" timeout="180" \
>        op monitor interval="30" role="Master" timeout="60" start-delay="30" \
>        op promote interval="0" enabled="true" role="Master" timeout="320" 
> start-delay="0" \
>        op demote interval="0" role="Slave" timeout="320" start-delay="0" \
>        op monitor interval="30" role="Slave" timeout="30" on-fail="restart" 
> start-delay="30" \
>        params InstanceName="T11_ASCS00_e40" AUTOMATIC_RECOVER="true" 
> START_PROFILE="/sapmnt/T11/profile/START_ASCS00_e40" 
> ERS_InstanceName="T11_ERS01_q40" 
> ERS_START_PROFILE="/sapmnt/T11/profile/START_ERS01_q40" \
>        utilization utl_ram="2" utl_cpu="5"
> Does this mean when monitoring Master and Slave, one cannot use the same 
> monitoring interval?

Correct, add at least 1ms

> Or should the role=".." be left out?
> Regards,
> Ulrich
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