On 08/18/2011 12:19 PM, Ulrich Windl wrote:
> Hi!
> Reading the docs, I learned that pacemaker understands more complex 
> dependencies than "group" where resources are strictly sequential. For 
> example one could start a set of resources in parallel, then wait until all 
> are done, then start another set of resources, etc.
> Now I wonder:
> 1) Can such a thing (i.e. parallelism) be configured with crm shell? If so, 
> what is the syntax like?

If you have two resources like primitives and they do not have any order
constraints (neither explizit by a order constraint nor implizit by
membership in group) such resources are assumed be
"startable"/"stopable" in parallel and the cluster will do not have any
peferences about the order.

> 2) In some resource groups, not all resources are really required. For 
> example in a RAID1, only one of both legs is really required to start up the 
> RAID (assuming I need to activate some extra resource for each leg of the 
> RAID). Can such a dependency be expressed in CRM? If so, how do you do it?

Beside the fact that I do not see the both legs/ 2 x single leg
ressources for RAID1 I would say yes that possible but will increase
the complexity of the cluster and the most important idea behind
clustering is: "keep it simple". In your case the critical point could
be the "OR" in the oredring of costraints.

All resouces after your 2 legs solution could be started, if Leg1 OR
Leg2 is up. Maybe that has to be described via ordering constraints.

> I'd wish (I know what you will reply ;-)) that could be expressed with the 
> crm shell.
really? - why I wrote my answer, if you already knew it ;-)

> Regards,
> Ulrich
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