On Thu, 2011-12-01 at 13:25 -0400, Chris Bowlby wrote:
> Hi Everyone, 
> I'm in the process of configuring a 2 node + DRBD enabled DHCP cluster

This doesn't really address your specific question, but I got dhcpd to
work by using the ocf:heartbeat:anything RA.

primitive dhcp ocf:heartbeat:anything \
        params binfile="/usr/sbin/dhcpd" cmdline_options="-f
-cf /vmgroup2/rep/dhcpd.conf -lf /vmgroup2/rep/dhcpd/dhcpd.leases" \
        op monitor interval="10" timeout="50" depth="0" \
        op start interval="0" timeout="90s" \
        op stop interval="0" timeout="100s" \
        meta target-role="Started"

The "-cf" and "-lf" arguments are just to ensure that the config file
and the leases file are located within a DRBD-replicated partition.

No doubt 10 people will surface to explain why this is a horrible way to
do it, but it does work.


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