On 3/15/12 4:57 PM, emmanuel segura wrote:

> we can try to understand what happen when clvm hang
> edit the /etc/lvm/lvm.conf  and change level = 7 in the log session and
> uncomment this line
> file = "/var/log/lvm2.log"

Here's the tail end of the file (the original is 1.6M). Because there no times
in the log, it's hard for me to point you to the point where I crashed the other
system. I think (though I'm not sure) that the crash happened after the last
occurrence of

cache/lvmcache.c:1484   Wiping internal VG cache

Honestly, it looks like a wall of text to me. Does it suggest anything to you?

> Il giorno 15 marzo 2012 20:50, William Seligman <selig...@nevis.columbia.edu
>> ha scritto:
>> On 3/15/12 12:55 PM, emmanuel segura wrote:
>>> I don't see any error and the answer for your question it's yes
>>> can you show me your /etc/cluster/cluster.conf and your crm configure
>> show
>>> like that more later i can try to look if i found some fix
>> Thanks for taking a look.
>> My cluster.conf: <http://pastebin.com/w5XNYyAX>
>> crm configure show: <http://pastebin.com/atVkXjkn>
>> Before you spend a lot of time on the second file, remember that clvmd
>> will hang
>> whether or not I'm running pacemaker.
>>> Il giorno 15 marzo 2012 17:42, William Seligman <
>> selig...@nevis.columbia.edu
>>>> ha scritto:
>>>> On 3/15/12 12:15 PM, emmanuel segura wrote:
>>>>> Ho did you created your volume group
>>>> pvcreate /dev/drbd0
>>>> vgcreate -c y ADMIN /dev/drbd0
>>>> lvcreate -L 200G -n usr ADMIN # ... and so on
>>>> # "Nevis-HA" is the cluster name I used in cluster.conf
>>>> mkfs.gfs2 -p lock_dlm -j 2 -t Nevis_HA:usr /dev/ADMIN/usr  # ... and so
>> on
>>>>> give me the output of vgs command when the cluster it's up
>>>> Here it is:
>>>>    Logging initialised at Thu Mar 15 12:40:39 2012
>>>>    Set umask from 0022 to 0077
>>>>    Finding all volume groups
>>>>    Finding volume group "ROOT"
>>>>    Finding volume group "ADMIN"
>>>>  VG    #PV #LV #SN Attr   VSize   VFree
>>>>  ADMIN   1   5   0 wz--nc   2.61t 765.79g
>>>>  ROOT    1   2   0 wz--n- 117.16g      0
>>>>    Wiping internal VG cache
>>>> I assume the "c" in the ADMIN attributes means that clustering is turned
>>>> on?
>>>>> Il giorno 15 marzo 2012 17:06, William Seligman <
>>>> selig...@nevis.columbia.edu
>>>>>> ha scritto:
>>>>>> On 3/15/12 11:50 AM, emmanuel segura wrote:
>>>>>>> yes william
>>>>>>> Now try clvmd -d and see what happen
>>>>>>> locking_type = 3 it's lvm cluster lock type
>>>>>> Since you asked for confirmation, here it is: the output of 'clvmd -d'
>>>>>> just now. <http://pastebin.com/bne8piEw>. I crashed the other node at
>>>>>> Mar 15 12:02:35, when you see the only additional line of output.
>>>>>> I don't see any particular difference between this and the previous
>>>>>> result <http://pastebin.com/sWjaxAEF>, which suggests that I had
>>>>>> cluster locking enabled before, and still do now.
>>>>>>> Il giorno 15 marzo 2012 16:15, William Seligman <
>>>>>> selig...@nevis.columbia.edu
>>>>>>>> ha scritto:
>>>>>>>> On 3/15/12 5:18 AM, emmanuel segura wrote:
>>>>>>>>> The first thing i seen in your clvmd log it's this
>>>>>>>>> =============================================
>>>>>>>>>  WARNING: Locking disabled. Be careful! This could corrupt your
>> metadata.
>>>>>>>>> =============================================
>>>>>>>> I saw that too, and thought the same as you did. I did some checks
>>>>>>>> (see below), but some web searches suggest that this message is a
>>>>>>>> normal consequence of clvmd initialization; e.g.,
>>>>>>>> <http://markmail.org/message/vmy53pcv52wu7ghx>
>>>>>>>>> use this command
>>>>>>>>> lvmconf --enable-cluster
>>>>>>>>> and remember for cman+pacemaker you don't need qdisk
>>>>>>>> Before I tried your lvmconf suggestion, here was my
>> /etc/lvm/lvm.conf:
>>>>>>>> <http://pastebin.com/841VZRzW> and the output of "lvm dumpconfig":
>>>>>>>> <http://pastebin.com/rtw8c3Pf>.
>>>>>>>> Then I did as you suggested, but with a check to see if anything
>>>>>>>> changed:
>>>>>>>> # cd /etc/lvm/
>>>>>>>> # cp lvm.conf lvm.conf.cluster
>>>>>>>> # lvmconf --enable-cluster
>>>>>>>> # diff lvm.conf lvm.conf.cluster
>>>>>>>> #
>>>>>>>> So the key lines have been there all along:
>>>>>>>>    locking_type = 3
>>>>>>>>    fallback_to_local_locking = 0
>>>>>>>>> Il giorno 14 marzo 2012 23:17, William Seligman <
>>>>>>>> selig...@nevis.columbia.edu
>>>>>>>>>> ha scritto:
>>>>>>>>>> On 3/14/12 9:20 AM, emmanuel segura wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Hello William
>>>>>>>>>>> i did new you are using drbd and i dont't know what type of
>>>>>>>>>>> configuration you using
>>>>>>>>>>> But it's better you try to start clvm with clvmd -d
>>>>>>>>>>> like thak we can see what it's the problem
>>>>>>>>>> For what it's worth, here's the output of running clvmd -d on
>>>>>>>>>> the node that stays up: <http://pastebin.com/sWjaxAEF>
>>>>>>>>>> What's probably important in that big mass of output are the
>>>>>>>>>> last two lines. Up to that point, I have both nodes up and
>>>>>>>>>> running cman + clvmd; cluster.conf is here:
>>>>>>>>>> <http://pastebin.com/w5XNYyAX>
>>>>>>>>>> At the time of the next-to-the-last line, I cut power to the
>>>>>>>>>> other node.
>>>>>>>>>> At the time of the last line, I run "vgdisplay" on the
>>>>>>>>>> remaining node, which hangs forever.
>>>>>>>>>> After a lot of web searching, I found that I'm not the only one
>>>>>>>>>> with this problem. Here's one case that doesn't seem relevant
>>>>>>>>>> to me, since I don't use qdisk:
>>>>>>>>>> <
>> http://www.redhat.com/archives/linux-cluster/2007-October/msg00212.html>.
>>>>>>>>>> Here's one with the same problem with the same OS:
>>>>>>>>>> <http://bugs.centos.org/view.php?id=5229>, but with no
>> resolution.
>>>>>>>>>> Out of curiosity, has anyone on this list made a two-node
>>>>>>>>>> cman+clvmd cluster work for them?
>>>>>>>>>>> Il giorno 14 marzo 2012 14:02, William Seligman <
>>>>>>>>>> selig...@nevis.columbia.edu
>>>>>>>>>>>> ha scritto:
>>>>>>>>>>>> On 3/14/12 6:02 AM, emmanuel segura wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>  I think it's better you make clvmd start at boot
>>>>>>>>>>>>> chkconfig cman on ; chkconfig clvmd on
>>>>>>>>>>>> I've already tried it. It doesn't work. The problem is that
>>>>>>>>>>>> my LVM information is on the drbd. If I start up clvmd
>>>>>>>>>>>> before drbd, it won't find the logical volumes.
>>>>>>>>>>>> I also don't see why that would make a difference (although
>>>>>>>>>>>> this could be part of the confusion): a service is a
>>>>>>>>>>>> service. I've tried starting up clvmd inside and outside
>>>>>>>>>>>> pacemaker control, with the same problem. Why would
>>>>>>>>>>>> starting clvmd at boot make a difference?
>>>>>>>>>>>>  Il giorno 13 marzo 2012 23:29, William Seligman<
>> selig...@nevis.columbia.edu>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ha scritto:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>  On 3/13/12 5:50 PM, emmanuel segura wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  So if you using cman why you use lsb::clvmd
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I think you are very confused
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I don't dispute that I may be very confused!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> However, from what I can tell, I still need to run
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> clvmd even if I'm running cman (I'm not using
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> rgmanager). If I just run cman, gfs2 and any other form
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of mount fails. If I run cman, then clvmd, then gfs2,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> everything behaves normally.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Going by these instructions:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <https://alteeve.com/w/2-Node_**Red_Hat_KVM_Cluster_Tutorial>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the resources he puts under "cluster control"
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (rgmanager) I have to put under pacemaker control.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Those include drbd, clvmd, and gfs2.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The difference between what I've got, and what's in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "Clusters From Scratch", is in CFS they assign one DRBD
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> volume to a single filesystem. I create an LVM physical
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> volume on my DRBD resource, as in the above tutorial,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and so I have to start clvmd or the logical volumes in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the DRBD partition won't be recognized.>> Is there some
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> way to get logical volumes recognized automatically by
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> cman without rgmanager that I've missed?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>  Il giorno 13 marzo 2012 22:42, William Seligman<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> selig...@nevis.columbia.edu
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ha scritto:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  On 3/13/12 12:29 PM, William Seligman wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I'm not sure if this is a "Linux-HA" question;
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> please direct me to the appropriate list if it's
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> not.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I'm setting up a two-node cman+pacemaker+gfs2
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> cluster as described in "Clusters From Scratch."
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Fencing is through forcibly rebooting a node by
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> cutting and restoring its power via UPS.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> My fencing/failover tests have revealed a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> problem. If I gracefully turn off one node ("crm
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> node standby"; "service pacemaker stop";
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "shutdown -r now") all the resources transfer to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the other node with no problems. If I cut power
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to one node (as would happen if it were fenced),
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the lsb::clvmd resource on the remaining node
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> eventually fails. Since all the other resources
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> depend on clvmd, all the resources on the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> remaining node stop and the cluster is left with
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> nothing running.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I've traced why the lsb::clvmd fails: The
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> monitor/status command includes "vgdisplay",
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> which hangs indefinitely. Therefore the monitor
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> will always time-out.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> So this isn't a problem with pacemaker, but with
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> clvmd/dlm: If a node is cut off, the cluster
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> isn't handling it properly. Has anyone on this
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> list seen this before? Any ideas?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Details:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> versions:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Redhat Linux 6.2 (kernel 2.6.32)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> cman-
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> corosync-1.4.1
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> pacemaker-1.1.6
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> lvm2-2.02.87
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> lvm2-cluster-2.02.87
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> This may be a Linux-HA question after all!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I ran a few more tests. Here's the output from a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> typical test of
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> grep -E "(dlm|gfs2}clvmd|fenc|syslogd)**"
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /var/log/messages
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <http://pastebin.com/uqC6bc1b>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> It looks like what's happening is that the fence
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> agent (one I wrote) is not returning the proper
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> error code when a node crashes. According to this
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> page, if a fencing agent fails GFS2 will freeze to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> protect the data:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <
>> http://docs.redhat.com/docs/en-US/Red_Hat_Enterprise_Linux/6/html/Global_File_System_2/s1-gfs2hand-allnodes.html
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> As a test, I tried to fence my test node via
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> standard means:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> stonith_admin -F \
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> orestes-corosync.nevis.columbia.edu
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> These were the log messages, which show that
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> stonith_admin did its job and CMAN was notified of
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the fencing:<http://pastebin.com/jaH820Bv>.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Unfortunately, I still got the gfs2 freeze, so this
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is not the complete story.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> First things first. I vaguely recall a web page
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that went over the STONITH return codes, but I
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> can't locate it again. Is there any reference to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the return codes expected from a fencing agent,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> perhaps as function of the state of the fencing
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> device?

Bill Seligman             | Phone: (914) 591-2823
Nevis Labs, Columbia Univ | mailto://selig...@nevis.columbia.edu
PO Box 137                |
Irvington NY 10533 USA    | http://www.nevis.columbia.edu/~seligman/

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