On Mon, Jul 9, 2012 at 7:33 PM,  <ov...@qip.ru> wrote:
> How is it possible to start/stop services on fedora17 using pacemaker?

That is a different question to the subject ;-)
Systemd unit files are not LSB compliant, so you cannot use lsb::somename

In 1.1.8 (due in the next month or so) I have added native support for
systemd (so, systemd::somename will work) as well as a 'service' alias
(eg. service::somename) which will automagically work out whether the
resource is an LSB script, Upstart job or Systemd unit and do the

If you're desperate, try creating /etc/init.d/somename with the contents:

[ -f /etc/init.d/functions ] && . /etc/init.d/functions

I /think/ that is enough to have systemd hijack the request and
perform the desired operation.
Just make sure its executable.
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