Alright, well I've installed both openipmi and ipmitool in Ubuntu and was
able to run through some of the commands in your tutorial.  Specifically,
here's what `ipmitool lan print 1` gives me:

Set in Progress         : Set Complete
> Auth Type Support       : NONE MD2 MD5 PASSWORD
> Auth Type Enable        : Callback :
>                         : User     : MD2 MD5 PASSWORD
>                         : Operator : MD2 MD5 PASSWORD
>                         : Admin    : MD2 MD5 PASSWORD
>                         : OEM      :
> IP Address Source       : Other
> IP Address              :
> Subnet Mask             :
> MAC Address             : 5c:f3:fc:f2:35:95
> SNMP Community String   : public
> IP Header               : TTL=0x40 Flags=0x40 Precedence=0x00 TOS=0x10
> BMC ARP Control         : ARP Responses Enabled, Gratuitous ARP Disabled
> Gratituous ARP Intrvl   : 2.0 seconds
> Default Gateway IP      :
> Default Gateway MAC     : 00:00:00:00:00:00
> Backup Gateway IP       :
> Backup Gateway MAC      : 00:00:00:00:00:00
> 802.1q VLAN ID          : Disabled
> 802.1q VLAN Priority    : 0
> RMCP+ Cipher Suites     : 0,1,2,3,4
> Cipher Suite Priv Max   : uaaaaXXXXXXXXXX
>                         :     X=Cipher Suite Unused
>                         :     c=CALLBACK
>                         :     u=USER
>                         :     o=OPERATOR
>                         :     a=ADMIN
>                         :     O=OEM

I've also found in your tutorial where you show how to change the above IP
address, but I'm not quite sure what to go with. I tried the command you
gave me last time around, but it didn't return anything.  So, I went ahead
and resolved the hostname, in this case "carbon", with dig and got  I know that can't be it...
I have eth0 connected to LAN with and eth1 connected to its
fellow node via crossover with  Could I just go ahead and use
either of those?

Thanks again, almost got it I think!

On Fri, Oct 26, 2012 at 1:32 PM, Digimer <> wrote:

> Happy to help.
> IPMI goes well beyond just powering on and off nodes, but from a fencing
> perspective, that's all we're interested in. Outside that, you can check
> power, voltage, fans and temperature readings.
> Most remote management devices have a dedicated network interfaces, but
> sometimes it piggy-backs on one of the onboard NICs (it will have it's
> own MAC address, IP address, etc.).
> So whether shared or dedicated, the trick is to give it an IP address on
> the same network that the cluster will be on. The cluster uses the
> network with the IP address resolved by the node's hostname. That is,
> get the name from 'uname -n' and resolve it. The IP returned is the
> interface the cluster will use. Here's a command that will get it for you;
> ifconfig |grep -B 1 $(gethostip -d $(uname -n)) | grep HWaddr | awk '{
> print $1 }'
> Whatever that network is, give the IPMI interface an IP on the same
> network. The cluster will then be able to reach the peer node's IPMI
> interface and evict it from the cluster.
> I've got a network map that might help you see this (note that I use
> bonding and a dedicated cluster network separated from inter/intranet
> facing traffic);
> At the bottom you will see the links to the IPMI interfaces (and
> switched PDUs, which I use as a backup fence device).
> If you want to read a bit more detail on how fencing works, the same
> tutorial covers how failures are detected in corosync. The main bit is
> here:
> Hope this helps. :)
> digimer
> On 10/25/2012 11:50 PM, Josh Bowling wrote:
> > Wow, thanks for the links, they've really help to clear this up a bit for
> > me.
> > From what I understand, out-of-band IPMI is what allows admins/other
> > cluster nodes to do things such as power cycling.  In my case, that's
> all I
> > need.  I just what Node 2 to shoot Node 1 in the head if it misbehaves.
> >
> > I'll look around and see what's available for Ubuntu in terms of
> > IPMI-related packages.
> >
> > The only thing I'm not so sure of is how Node 2 connects to Node 1 IPMI
> and
> > vice-versa?
> > I currently have 2 NICs in both machines (one for LAN and one crossover
> for
> > DRBD).
> > Can the STONITH+Pacemaker setup on Node 2 connect to the IPMI of Node 1
> > through LAN or does it need to be serial?  Or does this simply vary from
> > vendor to vendor?
> >
> > Thanks again
> >
> > On Fri, Oct 26, 2012 at 11:58 AM, Digimer <> wrote:
> >
> >> On 10/25/2012 08:55 PM, Josh Bowling wrote:
> >>> I just got a couple IBM x3200 M3 servers and decided to turn them into
> an
> >>> Ubuntu 12.04 64-bit based DRBD + Pacemaker/Corosync cluster. I have
> >> pretty
> >>> much everything working, but read time and time again that if I don't
> >> have
> >>> a STONITH device set up, I'm setting myself up for disaster. I've done
> my
> >>> best to look around and try to figure out what the best device would be
> >> for
> >>> these servers, but really have no idea.  In all honesty, STONITH
> devices
> >> in
> >>> general are still a complete mystery to me.
> >>>
> >>> According to the x3200 M3 manual, it does have IPMI built in for remote
> >>> power management:
> >>>
> >>> Integrated IPMI 2.0 support alerts IBM Systems Director to anomalous
> >>>> environmental factors, such as
> >>>> voltage and thermal conditions. It also supports highly secure remote
> >>>> power control using data
> >>>> encryption.
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> I've seen a few tutorials on how to get the device setup with
> Pacemaker,
> >>> but like I said, have no idea as to what hardware I need.
> >>> Any ideas for this STONITH newbie?
> >>>
> >>> Thanks in advance!
> >>
> >> If your servers have IPMI (usually part of IBM's RSA out-of-band
> >> management), then you are most of the way there. I've got a basic IPMI
> >> tutorial that might help (it's for RHEL / CentOS, but the tools should
> >> be common to Debian / Ubuntu);
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> As soon as you can check the power status (and power on/off) the nodes,
> >> you will be good. Adding support to pacemaker is then done via the
> >> 'fence_ipmilan' fence agent.
> >>
> >> hth
> >>
> >> --
> >> Digimer
> >> Papers and Projects:
> >> What if the cure for cancer is trapped in the mind of a person without
> >> access to education?
> >>
> >
> --
> Digimer
> Papers and Projects:
> What if the cure for cancer is trapped in the mind of a person without
> access to education?
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