

I don’t know if this email address is used for support, but I have not found
any forum for HA … 


I have to secure a "homemade" monitoring solution mainly based on Nagios 2.x
and MySQL 5.1.


I must deploy an "active / passive" cluster with automated switch of
services. 2 servers will be located on two different datacentres and
connected by an optical fiber (which will be channeled through the lifeline
+ cluster replication data).


The base of this solution is a 32-bit Debian Squeeze.


Tests were carried out with products DRBD (8.3.7) & Heartbeat (3.0.3) using
the official Debian mirrors.


The solution works well despite some freeze occurred since deployment but I
am not sure that it come from clustering products.


I wanted to get your opinion on the various security products such cluster
(HA / Pacemaker / Corosync / keepalived / OpenSVC ...) to point me towards
the most efficient and adapted according to my needs.


Thank you in advance for your feedback. Do not hesitate if you want more
details about these configurations.


Have a good day.





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