On 2012-11-16T14:56:21, Andrew Beekhof <and...@beekhof.net> wrote:

> > Yes, the remote capability of pcs is different. Though crmsh has some
> > ability in that regard too. And probably will have to grow them.
> And a REST interface and a GUI that talks to it as well?

hawk actually is based on a REST interface, in many ways. That happens
to use crmsh in the backend. (Which, admittedly, may be suboptimal. But
has the advantage that "anything hawk can do, admins can easily

> The design Chris has come up with is very nice and you'd have to
> squint really really hard to make crmsh fit.

Well, actually, I can imagine crmsh consume/use the REST interface too.

Might be an interesting option going forward.

> To be blunt, because it is no more your business than the creation of
> LCMC or Hawk was mine.

Yes. Exactly. Thanks for confirming my point.

> I and the community were informed after the decisions was made, there
> was no request for permission.  Nor would that be expected.

I'm pretty sure we had a discussion about that. And I also spoke with
LINBIT (who at the time "owned" the drbd-mc).

> You've not managed to convince me and I've also got a fair bit to
> loose wouldn't you say?

Sure. And I guess the only way to find out is to see how it unfolds.
I've said my piece (for now), and I don't want to continue pissing you
off ;-) But I also needed to get it off my chest.


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