
I installed fence_ec2 and have it working. If I run
    fence_ec2 --action reboot --port aztestc4
it works just fine and stops then starts the EC2 instance... very slowly
since the AWS tools can be very slow.

If I run
    stonith_admin --reboot aztestc4
it stops the EC2 instance but fails to start it and reports this error:
    stonith_admin[31544]: 2012/11/27_17:27:31 WARN: xmlfromIPC: No
message received in the required interval (120s)

Is this 120 second interval only in stonith_admin? Is Pacemaker OK? Can
the interval be increased?

In case it matters, here is my stonith primitive:

primitive p_stonith stonith:fence_ec2 \
        params pcmk_host_check="static-list" pcmk_host_list="aztestc3
aztestc4" \
        op monitor interval="600s" timeout="300s" \
        op start start-delay="10s" interval="0"

    -- Art Z.


Art Zemon, President
Hen's Teeth Network <> for reliable web
hosting and programming
(866)HENS-NET / (636)447-3030 ext. 200 /

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