Hi Alain,

thanks for your fast reply. Your tip was right: i configured a CIB with
the costraint "location" on two nodes excluding the third, and it seems
to be working.

Thank you very much,


Il 03/12/2012 13:06, alain.mou...@bull.net ha scritto:
> Hi ,
> I don't think it is possible with Pacemaker to have such "failover domain" 
> configuration.
> But, if it is sufficient for you, I use to set forbidden location to 
> forbid a set
> of groups or primitives to be started on node3 and to be authorized to 
> failover
> only between node1 and node2. And same thing for another set of groups or 
> primitives 
> to forbid them to be stated on node1 , etc.
> That's quite a way to configure "failover domains".
> See -INFINITY on location constraints.
> Don't know if it will fit your requirement in another way, but hope it 
> helps.
> Regards 
> Alain
> De :    Enrico Natale <enat...@hitech-sanita.it>
> A :     General Linux-HA mailing list <linux-ha@lists.linux-ha.org>
> Date :  03/12/2012 12:39
> Objet : [Linux-HA] Pacemaker/Corosync "Failover Domain"
> Envoyé par :    linux-ha-boun...@lists.linux-ha.org
> Hi all,
> i have a question regarding the configuration of the pacemaker/corosync
> infrastructure.
> I have a three nodes cluster, but i want to limit two CIBs to only two
> nodes (with CMAN this is called a "failover-domain"). It's possible? i
> didn't find anything useful on the manual, so i'm here asking for help :)
> Thanks in advance,
> Regards

Enrico Natale
Area Sistemi
Hi.Tech spa
055 6511000

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