Hi all,

 We got a power outage which affected one of our servers and since then
both servers can't connect to the CIB service anymore.

 Debugging logs and anything possibility to find some answer, I could get
the following positives:

   - cman_tool nodes show both nodes correctly without any problem
   - Corosync logs show both servers in [ New configuration ] section

 Recently I found one clue via corosync-cfgtool printing Corosync ring
status, it only shows the node itself instead of both of them. So, I was
wondering if it is more a corosync issue than a pacemaker.

 In pacemaker log, I can see that both nodes are being recognized:

Jan  7 13:29:43 Hostname pacemakerd: [7498]: info: update_node_processes:
0xc712b0 Node 2 now known as Hostname 2 (was: (null))
Also one error that I believe is the culprit:

Jan  7 13:29:40 Hostname cib: [7503]: info: init_ais_connection_classic:
Connection to our AIS plugin (9) failed: Doesn't exist (12)
Jan  7 13:29:40 Hostname cib: [7503]: CRIT: cib_init: Cannot sign in to the
cluster... terminating

 Can someone give a hand to get this working again please?

 We are using Ubuntu 12.04 with:

 Cman - 3.1.7
 Corosync - 1.4.2
 Pacemaker - 1.1.6

Thank you in advance.

an someone help me with a corosync/pacemaker issue? After a power outage, I
can't connect to the CIB service. Looking at cman_tool nodes I can see both
of them and also looking at Corosync Logs I can see [ New Configuration ]
section showing both nodes


<pKr> The clue I found is when I run "corosync-cfgtool -s" I can see only
the node itself instead both of them at the same ring0
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