Hello all

I apologize if I'm writing to the wrong audience, but it has been difficult
to guess the right place for posting such a question :

I'm trying to setup a 2 nodes cluster running on SLES 11 SP2 where I would
like to configure several sap webdispatchers in HA...so far I'm failing and
not bale to understand why...here the configuration of the resource

 Resource Group: webapps
     virtual-ip (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2) Started
     apache  (ocf::heartbeat:apache) Stopped
     W00        (ocf::heartbeat:SAPInstance) Stopped

Last one is a SAP webdisp instance (installed via sapinst) primitive
configured this way

crm(live)configure# show W00
primitive W00 ocf:heartbeat:SAPInstance \
        params START_PROFILE="/sapmnt/W00/profile/START_W00_sapwd"
DIR_PROFILE="/sapmnt/W00/profile" InstanceName="W00_W00_sapwd"
        op stop interval="0" timeout="240" \
        op start interval="0" timeout="180" \
        op monitor interval="120" timeout="60" \
        meta target-role="Started"

As far as I understood the heartbeat checks the output of sapcontrol
command which executed at os level is fine :

sapcontrol -nr 00 -function GetProcessList

25.02.2013 16:03:09
name, description, dispstatus, textstatus, starttime, elapsedtime, pid
sapwebdisp, Web Dispatcher, GRAY, Stopped, , , 23634

The logs do not contain anything special...but maybe I'm looking in the
wrong place...do you have any hints ?

Thanks in advance and best regards

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