
I recently configured Linux HA for Asterisk service (using Asterisk
resource agent downloaded from link:
As per configuration it is working good but when I include "monitor_sipuri="
sip:42@" " parameter in primitive section it is giving me an
errors like listed below;

root@asterisk2 ~> crm_mon -1


Last updated: Thu Mar 28 06:09:54 2013

Stack: Heartbeat

Current DC: asterisk2 (b966dfa2-5973-4dfc-96ba-b2d38319c174) - partition
with quorum

Version: 1.0.12-unknown

2 Nodes configured, unknown expected votes

1 Resources configured.


Online: [ asterisk1 asterisk2 ]

Resource Group: group_1

     asterisk_2 (lsb:asterisk): Started asterisk1

     IPaddr_10_3_152_103        (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr):        Started

Failed actions:

    p_asterisk_start_0 (node=asterisk1, call=64, rc=1, status=complete):
unknown error

    p_asterisk_start_0 (node=asterisk2, call=20, rc=1, status=complete):
unknown error

I tested the 'sipsak' tool on cli, it is executing without any issue i.e.
returning 200 OK but when I remove this "param monitor_sipuri" I'm not
getting the errors.

Listing down the configuration below which I configured;

 node $id="887bae58-1eb6-47d1-b539-d12a2ed3d836" asterisk1
node $id="b966dfa2-5973-4dfc-96ba-b2d38319c174" asterisk2
primitive IPaddr_10_3_152_103 ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr \
        op monitor interval="5s" timeout="20s" \
        params ip=""
primitive p_asterisk ocf:heartbeat:asterisk \
        op monitor interval="10s" \
        params realtime="true"
group group_1 p_asterisk IPaddr_10_3_152_103 \
        meta target-role="Started"
location rsc_location_group_1 group_1 \
        rule $id="preferred_location_group_1" 100: #uname eq asterisk1
colocation asterisk-with-ip inf: p_asterisk IPaddr_10_3_152_103
property $id="cib-bootstrap-options" \
        symmetric-cluster="true" \
        no-quorum-policy="stop" \
        default-resource-stickiness="0" \
        stonith-enabled="false" \
        stonith-action="reboot" \
        startup-fencing="true" \
        stop-orphan-resources="true" \
        stop-orphan-actions="true" \
        remove-after-stop="false" \
        default-action-timeout="120s" \
        is-managed-default="true" \
        cluster-delay="60s" \
        pe-error-series-max="-1" \
        pe-warn-series-max="-1" \
        pe-input-series-max="-1" \
        dc-version="1.0.12-unknown" \

And the status I'm getting is listed below;

root@asterisk1 ~> crm_mon -1
Last updated: Fri Mar 29 12:25:10 2013
Stack: Heartbeat
Current DC: asterisk1 (887bae58-1eb6-47d1-b539-d12a2ed3d836) - partition
with quorum
Version: 1.0.12-unknown
2 Nodes configured, unknown expected votes
1 Resources configured.

Online: [ asterisk1 asterisk2 ]

 Resource Group: group_1
 p_asterisk (ocf::heartbeat:asterisk):      Started asterisk1
 IPaddr_10_3_152_103        (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr):        Started

Please advise to overcome this issue.


Ahmed Munir Chohan
Linux-HA mailing list
See also: http://linux-ha.org/ReportingProblems

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