>>> "guilla...@cheramy.name" <guilla...@cheramy.name> schrieb am 02.04.2013 um
16:05 in Nachricht <515ae59b.8060...@cheramy.name>:
> Le 20/03/2013 00:51, Andreas Kurz a écrit :
> > On 2013-03-18 16:53, guilla...@cheramy.name wrote:
> >> Hello,
> >>
> >>    I'll try for a week to make a cluster with 2 servers for slapd HA.
> >> ldap01 is the master slapd server, ldap02 is a replica server. All is ok
> >> with Debian and /etc/ldap/slapd.conf configuration.
> >>
> >>    So now I wants if ldap01 fail that ldap02 became master for continue
> >> add data in ldap database. And if ldap01 failback I wants it became
> >> slave of ldap02 for resync data.
> >>
> >>    So I'll try this configuration with pacemaker multi-state with this
> >> configuration :
> >>
> >> # crm configure show
> >> node ldap01 \
> >>    attributes standby="off"
> >> node ldap02 \
> >>    attributes standby="off"
> >> primitive LDAP-SERVER ocf:custom:slapd-ms \
> >>    op monitor interval="30s"
> >> primitive VIP-1 ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr2 \
> >>    params ip="" broadcast="" nic="eth0"
> >> cidr_netmask="24" iflabel="VIP1" \
> >>    op monitor interval="30s" timeout="20s"
> >>    params config="/etc/ldap/slapd.conf" lsb_script="/etc/init.d/slapd" \
> >>    meta clone-max="2" clone-node-max="1" master-max="1"
> >> master-node-max="1" notify="false" target-role="Master"
> >> colocation LDAP-WITH-IP inf: VIP-1 MS-LDAP-SERVER
> >> property $id="cib-bootstrap-options" \
> >>    dc-version="1.1.7-ee0730e13d124c3d58f00016c3376a1de5323cff" \
> >>    cluster-infrastructure="openais" \
> >>    expected-quorum-votes="2" \
> >>    stonith-enabled="false" \
> >>    no-quorum-policy="ignore" \
> >>    last-lrm-refresh="1363619724"
> >>
> >> I use a ocf slapd-ms script provided by this article :
> >> 

> ckback/index.html#master-slave-primus-inter-pares
> >>
> > 
> > "interesting" setup and resource agent .... you should really go with
> > the well tested slapd resource agent that comes with the resource-agent
> > package, use slapd as a clone resource and setup slapd to run in
> > mirror-mode.
> > 
> > Regards,
> > Andreas
> > 
> Hello,
>       thanks for the slapd mirror idea it's works but I hava got one
> when one server stop I can continue to add information in the first one,
> and when the second server failback It doesn't resync data automaticaly.
> I have to manualy done that :
> crn node standby ldap01-server
> cd /var/lib/ldap
> rm -rf __db.00* log.* *.bdb
> crm node online ldap01-server


I'm not sure, but I think those files are needed to recover the LDAP database
after non-graceful termination. I have no experience with a dual-master LDAP
configuration, but I think the node's clocks have to be in sync for it to work
well (among other issues).


> Sincerely
> -- 
>                          ''~``
>                         ( o o )
> +------------------.oooO--(_)--Oooo.---------------------+
> | Guillaume Chéramy - Guidtz                             |
> | French open source system administrator                |
> | E-Mail : guilla...@cheramy.name                        |
> | Website : http://blog.cheramy.name                     |
> |                                                        |
> |                    (   )                               |
> +---------------------\ (----(   )-----------------------+
>                        \_)    ) /
>                              (_/
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