
Following up on the above thread, any thoughts as to what may be causing the 


On 9 Apr 2013, at 13:39, Jimmy Magee <jimmy.ma...@vennetics.com> wrote:

> Hi Andrew,
> The corosync.conf is configured as follows:
>> service {
>>                 # Load the Pacemaker Cluster Resource Manager
>>                  name: pacemaker
>>                  ver:  0
>>         }
> and pacemaker is not started via service pacemaker start…
> here is the extract from the logs with extra debug when attempting to start 
> corosync/pacemaker..
>  06:59:20 corosync [MAIN  ] Corosync Cluster Engine ('1.4.1'): started and 
> ready to provide service.
>  06:59:20 corosync [MAIN  ] Corosync built-in features: nss dbus rdma snmp
>  06:59:20 corosync [MAIN  ] Successfully read main configuration file 
> '/etc/corosync/corosync.conf'.
>  06:59:20 corosync [TOTEM ] waiting_trans_ack changed to 1
>  06:59:20 corosync [TOTEM ] Token Timeout (5000 ms) retransmit timeout (247 
> ms)
>  06:59:20 corosync [TOTEM ] token hold (187 ms) retransmits before loss (20 
> retrans)
>  06:59:20 corosync [TOTEM ] join (1000 ms) send_join (0 ms) consensus (7500 
> ms) merge (200 ms)
>  06:59:20 corosync [TOTEM ] downcheck (1000 ms) fail to recv const (2500 msgs)
>  06:59:20 corosync [TOTEM ] seqno unchanged const (30 rotations) Maximum 
> network MTU 1402
>  06:59:20 corosync [TOTEM ] window size per rotation (50 messages) maximum 
> messages per rotation (20 messages)
>  06:59:20 corosync [TOTEM ] missed count const (5 messages)
>  06:59:20 corosync [TOTEM ] send threads (0 threads)
>  06:59:20 corosync [TOTEM ] RRP token expired timeout (247 ms)
>  06:59:20 corosync [TOTEM ] RRP token problem counter (2000 ms)
>  06:59:20 corosync [TOTEM ] RRP threshold (10 problem count)
>  06:59:20 corosync [TOTEM ] RRP multicast threshold (100 problem count)
>  06:59:20 corosync [TOTEM ] RRP automatic recovery check timeout (1000 ms)
>  06:59:20 corosync [TOTEM ] RRP mode set to none.
>  06:59:20 corosync [TOTEM ] heartbeat_failures_allowed (0)
>  06:59:20 corosync [TOTEM ] max_network_delay (50 ms)
>  06:59:20 corosync [TOTEM ] HeartBeat is Disabled. To enable set 
> heartbeat_failures_allowed > 0
>  06:59:20 corosync [TOTEM ] Initializing transport (UDP/IP Multicast).
>  06:59:20 corosync [TOTEM ] Initializing transmit/receive security: 
> libtomcrypt SOBER128/SHA1HMAC (mode 0).
>  06:59:20 corosync [IPC   ] you are using ipc api v2
>  06:59:20 corosync [TOTEM ] Receive multicast socket recv buffer size (320000 
> bytes).
>  06:59:20 corosync [TOTEM ] Transmit multicast socket send buffer size 
> (320000 bytes).
>  06:59:20 corosync [TOTEM ] Local receive multicast loop socket recv buffer 
> size (320000 bytes).
>  06:59:20 corosync [TOTEM ] Local transmit multicast loop socket send buffer 
> size (320000 bytes).
>  06:59:20 corosync [TOTEM ] The network interface [] is now up.
>  06:59:20 corosync [TOTEM ] Created or loaded sequence id 6984. 
> for this ring.
> Set r/w permissions for uid=0, gid=0 on /var/log/corosync.log
>  06:59:20 corosync [pcmk  ] Logging: Initialized pcmk_startup
> Set r/w permissions for uid=0, gid=0 on /var/log/corosync.log
>  06:59:20 corosync [SERV  ] Service engine loaded: Pacemaker Cluster Manager 
> 1.1.6
>  06:59:20 corosync [pcmk  ] Logging: Initialized pcmk_startup
>  06:59:20 corosync [SERV  ] Service engine loaded: Pacemaker Cluster Manager 
> 1.1.6
>  06:59:20 corosync [SERV  ] Service engine loaded: corosync extended virtual 
> synchrony service
>  06:59:20 corosync [SERV  ] Service engine loaded: corosync configuration 
> service
>  06:59:20 corosync [SERV  ] Service engine loaded: corosync cluster closed 
> process group service v1.01
>  06:59:20 corosync [SERV  ] Service engine loaded: corosync cluster config 
> database access v1.01
>  06:59:20 corosync [SERV  ] Service engine loaded: corosync profile loading 
> service
>  06:59:20 corosync [SERV  ] Service engine loaded: corosync cluster quorum 
> service v0.1
>  06:59:20 corosync [MAIN  ] Compatibility mode set to whitetank.  Using V1 
> and V2 of the synchronization engine.
>  06:59:20 corosync [TOTEM ] entering GATHER state from 15.
>  06:59:20 corosync [TOTEM ] Creating commit token because I am the rep.
>  06:59:20 corosync [TOTEM ] Saving state aru 0 high seq received 0
>  06:59:20 corosync [TOTEM ] Storing new sequence id for ring 1b4c
>  06:59:20 corosync [TOTEM ] entering COMMIT state.
>  06:59:20 corosync [TOTEM ] got commit token
>  06:59:20 corosync [TOTEM ] entering RECOVERY state.
>  06:59:20 corosync [TOTEM ] position [0] member
>  06:59:20 corosync [TOTEM ] previous ring seq 6984 rep
>  06:59:20 corosync [TOTEM ] aru 0 high delivered 0 received flag 1
>  06:59:20 corosync [TOTEM ] Did not need to originate any messages in 
> recovery.
>  06:59:20 corosync [TOTEM ] got commit token
>  06:59:20 corosync [TOTEM ] Sending initial ORF token
>  06:59:20 corosync [TOTEM ] token retrans flag is 0 my set retrans flag0 
> retrans queue empty 1 count 0, aru 0
>  06:59:20 corosync [TOTEM ] install seq 0 aru 0 high seq received 0
>  06:59:20 corosync [TOTEM ] token retrans flag is 0 my set retrans flag0 
> retrans queue empty 1 count 1, aru 0
>  06:59:20 corosync [TOTEM ] install seq 0 aru 0 high seq received 0
>  06:59:20 corosync [TOTEM ] token retrans flag is 0 my set retrans flag0 
> retrans queue empty 1 count 2, aru 0
>  06:59:20 corosync [TOTEM ] install seq 0 aru 0 high seq received 0
>  06:59:20 corosync [TOTEM ] token retrans flag is 0 my set retrans flag0 
> retrans queue empty 1 count 3, aru 0
>  06:59:20 corosync [TOTEM ] install seq 0 aru 0 high seq received 0
>  06:59:20 corosync [TOTEM ] retrans flag count 4 token aru 0 install seq 0 
> aru 0 0
>  06:59:20 corosync [TOTEM ] Resetting old ring state
>  06:59:20 corosync [TOTEM ] recovery to regular 1-0
>  06:59:20 corosync [TOTEM ] waiting_trans_ack changed to 1
>  06:59:20 corosync [SYNC  ] This node is within the primary component and 
> will provide service.
>  06:59:20 corosync [TOTEM ] entering OPERATIONAL state.
>  06:59:20 corosync [TOTEM ] A processor joined or left the membership and a 
> new membership was formed.
>  06:59:20 corosync [SYNC  ] confchg entries 1
>  06:59:20 corosync [SYNC  ] Barrier Start Received From 1003428268
>  06:59:20 corosync [SYNC  ] Barrier completion status for nodeid 1003428268 = 
> 1. 
>  06:59:20 corosync [SYNC  ] Synchronization barrier completed
>  06:59:20 corosync [SYNC  ] Synchronization actions starting for (dummy CLM 
> service)
>  06:59:20 corosync [SYNC  ] confchg entries 1
>  06:59:20 corosync [SYNC  ] Barrier Start Received From 1003428268
>  06:59:20 corosync [SYNC  ] Barrier completion status for nodeid 1003428268 = 
> 1. 
>  06:59:20 corosync [SYNC  ] Synchronization barrier completed
>  06:59:20 corosync [SYNC  ] Committing synchronization for (dummy CLM service)
>  06:59:20 corosync [SYNC  ] Synchronization actions starting for (dummy AMF 
> service)
>  06:59:20 corosync [SYNC  ] confchg entries 1
>  06:59:20 corosync [SYNC  ] Barrier Start Received From 1003428268
>  06:59:20 corosync [SYNC  ] Barrier completion status for nodeid 1003428268 = 
> 1. 
>  06:59:20 corosync [SYNC  ] Synchronization barrier completed
>  06:59:20 corosync [SYNC  ] Committing synchronization for (dummy AMF service)
>  06:59:20 corosync [SYNC  ] Synchronization actions starting for (dummy CKPT 
> service)
>  06:59:20 corosync [SYNC  ] confchg entries 1
>  06:59:20 corosync [SYNC  ] Barrier Start Received From 1003428268
>  06:59:20 corosync [SYNC  ] Barrier completion status for nodeid 1003428268 = 
> 1. 
>  06:59:20 corosync [SYNC  ] Synchronization barrier completed
>  06:59:20 corosync [SYNC  ] Committing synchronization for (dummy CKPT 
> service)
>  06:59:20 corosync [SYNC  ] Synchronization actions starting for (dummy EVT 
> service)
>  06:59:20 corosync [SYNC  ] confchg entries 1
>  06:59:20 corosync [SYNC  ] Barrier Start Received From 1003428268
>  06:59:20 corosync [SYNC  ] Barrier completion status for nodeid 1003428268 = 
> 1. 
>  06:59:20 corosync [SYNC  ] Synchronization barrier completed
>  06:59:20 corosync [SYNC  ] Committing synchronization for (dummy EVT service)
>  06:59:20 corosync [SYNC  ] Synchronization actions starting for (corosync 
> cluster closed process group service v1.01)
>  06:59:20 corosync [CPG   ] comparing: sender r(0) ip( ; 
> members(old:0 left:0)
>  06:59:20 corosync [CPG   ] chosen downlist: sender r(0) ip( ; 
> members(old:0 left:0)
>  06:59:20 corosync [SYNC  ] confchg entries 1
>  06:59:20 corosync [SYNC  ] Barrier Start Received From 1003428268
>  06:59:20 corosync [SYNC  ] Barrier completion status for nodeid 1003428268 = 
> 1. 
>  06:59:20 corosync [SYNC  ] Synchronization barrier completed
>  06:59:20 corosync [SYNC  ] Committing synchronization for (corosync cluster 
> closed process group service v1.01)
>  06:59:20 corosync [MAIN  ] Completed service synchronization, ready to 
> provide service.
>  06:59:20 corosync [TOTEM ] waiting_trans_ack changed to 0
>  06:59:20node03lrmd: [14934]: info: G_main_add_SignalHandler: Added signal 
> handler for signal 15
>  06:59:20node03lrmd: [14934]: info: G_main_add_SignalHandler: Added signal 
> handler for signal 17
>  06:59:20node03lrmd: [14934]: info: enabling coredumps
>  06:59:20node03lrmd: [14934]: info: G_main_add_SignalHandler: Added signal 
> handler for signal 10
>  06:59:20node03lrmd: [14934]: info: G_main_add_SignalHandler: Added signal 
> handler for signal 12
>  06:59:20node03lrmd: [14934]: debug: main: run the loop...
>  06:59:20node03lrmd: [14934]: info: Started.
>  06:59:20 [14935]node03     attrd:     info: crm_log_init_worker:     Changed 
> active directory to /var/lib/heartbeat/cores/hacluster
>  06:59:20 [14935]node03     attrd:     info: main:    Starting up
>  06:59:20 [14935]node03     attrd:     info: get_cluster_type:        Cluster 
> type is: 'openais'
>  06:59:20 [14935]node03     attrd:   notice: crm_cluster_connect:     
> Connecting to cluster infrastructure: classic openais (with plugin)
>  06:59:20 [14936]node03   pengine:     info: crm_log_init_worker:     Changed 
> active directory to /var/lib/heartbeat/cores/hacluster
>  06:59:20 [14935]node03     attrd:     info: init_ais_connection_classic:     
> Creating connection to our Corosync plugin
>  06:59:20 [14936]node03   pengine:    debug: main:    Checking for old 
> instances of pengine
>  06:59:20 [14937]node03      crmd:     info: crm_log_init_worker:     Changed 
> active directory to /var/lib/heartbeat/cores/hacluster
>  06:59:20 [14936]node03   pengine:    debug: 
> init_client_ipc_comms_nodispatch:        Attempting to talk on: 
> /var/run/crm/pengine
>  06:59:20 [14937]node03      crmd:   notice: main:    CRM Hg Version: 
> 148fccfd5985c5590cc601123c6c16e966b85d14
>  06:59:20 [14936]node03   pengine:    debug: 
> init_client_ipc_comms_nodispatch:        Could not init comms on: 
> /var/run/crm/pengine
>  06:59:20 [14936]node03   pengine:    debug: main:    Init server comms
>  06:59:20 [14936]node03   pengine:     info: main:    Starting pengine
>  06:59:20 [14937]node03      crmd:    debug: crmd_init:       Starting crmd
>  06:59:20 [14937]node03      crmd:    debug: s_crmd_fsa:      Processing 
> I_STARTUP: [ state=S_STARTING cause=C_STARTUP origin=crmd_init ]
>  06:59:20 [14937]node03      crmd:    debug: do_fsa_action:   actions:trace:  
> // A_LOG   
>  06:59:20 [14937]node03      crmd:    debug: do_log:  FSA: Input I_STARTUP 
> from crmd_init() received in state S_STARTING
>  06:59:20 [14937]node03      crmd:    debug: do_fsa_action:   actions:trace:  
>  06:59:20 [14937]node03      crmd:    debug: do_startup:      Registering 
> Signal Handlers
>  06:59:20 [14937]node03      crmd:    debug: do_startup:      Creating CIB 
> and LRM objects
>  06:59:20 [14937]node03      crmd:    debug: do_fsa_action:   actions:trace:  
>  06:59:20 [14937]node03      crmd:    debug: 
> init_client_ipc_comms_nodispatch:        Attempting to talk on: 
> /var/run/crm/cib_rw
>  06:59:20 [14937]node03      crmd:    debug: 
> init_client_ipc_comms_nodispatch:        Could not init comms on: 
> /var/run/crm/cib_rw
>  06:59:20 [14937]node03      crmd:    debug: cib_native_signon_raw:   
> Connection to command channel failed
>  06:59:20 [14937]node03      crmd:    debug: 
> init_client_ipc_comms_nodispatch:        Attempting to talk on: 
> /var/run/crm/cib_callback
>  06:59:20 [14937]node03      crmd:    debug: 
> init_client_ipc_comms_nodispatch:        Could not init comms on: 
> /var/run/crm/cib_callback
>  06:59:20 [14937]node03      crmd:    debug: cib_native_signon_raw:   
> Connection to callback channel failed
>  06:59:20 [14937]node03      crmd:    debug: cib_native_signon_raw:   
> Connection to CIB failed: connection failed
>  06:59:20 [14937]node03      crmd:    debug: cib_native_signoff:      Signing 
> out of the CIB Service
>  06:59:20 [14935]node03     attrd:    debug: init_ais_connection_classic:     
> Adding fd=6 to mainloop
>  06:59:20 [14935]node03     attrd:     info: init_ais_connection_classic:     
> AIS connection established
>  06:59:20 [14935]node03     attrd:     info: get_ais_nodeid:  Server details: 
> id=1003428268 uname=node03 cname=pcmk
>  06:59:20 [14935]node03     attrd:     info: init_ais_connection_once:        
> Connection to 'classic openais (with plugin)': established
>  06:59:20 [14935]node03     attrd:    debug: crm_new_peer:    Creating entry 
> for node node03/1003428268
>  06:59:20 [14935]node03     attrd:     info: crm_new_peer:    Nodenode03now 
> has id: 1003428268
>  06:59:20 [14935]node03     attrd:     info: crm_new_peer:    Node 1003428268 
> is now known as node03
>  06:59:20 [14935]node03     attrd:     info: main:    Cluster connection 
> active
>  06:59:20 [14935]node03     attrd:     info: main:    Accepting attribute 
> updates
>  06:59:20 [14935]node03     attrd:   notice: main:    Starting mainloop...
>  06:59:20 [14933]node03stonith-ng:     info: crm_log_init_worker:     Changed 
> active directory to /var/lib/heartbeat/cores/root
>  06:59:20 [14933]node03stonith-ng:     info: get_cluster_type:        Cluster 
> type is: 'openais'
>  06:59:20 [14933]node03stonith-ng:   notice: crm_cluster_connect:     
> Connecting to cluster infrastructure: classic openais (with plugin)
>  06:59:20 [14933]node03stonith-ng:     info: init_ais_connection_classic:     
> Creating connection to our Corosync plugin
>  06:59:20 [14932]node03       cib:     info: crm_log_init_worker:     Changed 
> active directory to /var/lib/heartbeat/cores/hacluster
>  06:59:20 [14932]node03       cib:     info: retrieveCib:     Reading cluster 
> configuration from: /var/lib/heartbeat/crm/cib.xml (digest: 
> /var/lib/heartbeat/crm/cib.xml.sig)
>  06:59:20 [14932]node03       cib:    debug: readCibXmlFile:  [on-disk] <cib 
> epoch="251" num_updates="0" admin_epoch="1" validate-with="pacemaker-1.2" 
> crm_feature_set="3.0.6" update-origin="node03" update-client="crmd" 
> cib-last-written="Tue Apr  9 06:48:33 2013" have-quorum="1" >
>  06:59:20 [14932]node03       cib:    debug: readCibXmlFile:  [on-disk]   
> <configuration >
>  06:59:20 [14932]node03       cib:    debug: readCibXmlFile:  [on-disk]     
> <crm_config >
>  06:59:20 [14932]node03       cib:    debug: readCibXmlFile:  [on-disk]       
> <cluster_property_set id="cib-bootstrap-options" >
>  06:59:20 [14932]node03       cib:    debug: readCibXmlFile:  [on-disk]       
>   <nvpair id="cib-bootstrap-options-default-resource-stickiness" 
> name="default-resource-stickiness" value="1000" />
>  06:59:20 [14932]node03       cib:    debug: readCibXmlFile:  [on-disk]       
>   <nvpair id="cib-bootstrap-options-no-quorum-policy" name="no-quorum-policy" 
> value="ignore" />
>  06:59:20 [14932]node03       cib:    debug: readCibXmlFile:  [on-disk]       
>   <nvpair id="cib-bootstrap-options-stonith-enabled" name="stonith-enabled" 
> value="false" />
>  06:59:20 [14932]node03       cib:    debug: readCibXmlFile:  [on-disk]       
>   <nvpair id="cib-bootstrap-options-expected-quorum-votes" 
> name="expected-quorum-votes" value="3" />
>  06:59:20 [14932]node03       cib:    debug: readCibXmlFile:  [on-disk]       
>   <nvpair id="cib-bootstrap-options-dc-version" name="dc-version" 
> value="1.1.7-6.el6-148fccfd5985c5590cc601123c6c16e966b85d14" />
>  06:59:20 [14932]node03       cib:    debug: readCibXmlFile:  [on-disk]       
>   <nvpair id="cib-bootstrap-options-cluster-infrastructure" 
> name="cluster-infrastructure" value="openais" />
>  06:59:20 [14932]node03       cib:    debug: readCibXmlFile:  [on-disk]       
>   <nvpair id="cib-bootstrap-options-last-lrm-refresh" name="last-lrm-refresh" 
> value="1365160119" />
>  06:59:20 [14932]node03       cib:    debug: readCibXmlFile:  [on-disk]       
> </cluster_property_set>
>  06:59:20 [14932]node03       cib:    debug: readCibXmlFile:  [on-disk]     
> </crm_config>
> …
> …
> ...
> We are still seeing the extra pacemaker daemons when corosync starts up.
> As an added check, all pacemaker daemons exited correctly when stoping 
> corosync.
> ldmd attempts to start twice..
> ps aux | grep lrmd
> root     16412  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        Z    07:20   0:00 [lrmd] 
> <defunct>
> root     16419  0.0  0.0  34240  1052 ?        S    07:20   0:00 
> /usr/lib64/heartbeat/lrmd
> root     21030  0.0  0.0 103244   856 pts/0    S+   08:37   0:00 grep lrmd
> Help to resolve this issue appreciated..
> Cheers,
> Jimmy.
> On 9 Apr 2013, at 00:16, Andrew Beekhof <and...@beekhof.net> wrote:
>> On 08/04/2013, at 9:44 PM, Jimmy Magee <jimmy.ma...@vennetics.com> wrote:
>>> Hi Andrew,
>>> thanks for your reply, we are running at debug level with the following 
>>> config from corosync.conf
>>> logging {
>>>               fileline: off
>>>               to_syslog: yes
>>>               to_stderr: no
>>>               syslog_facility: daemon
>>>               debug: on
>>>               timestamp: on
>>>        }
>>> Looking at the issue further, there seems to be 2 instances of some 
>>> pacemaker daemons running on this particular node….
>>> ps aux | grep pace
>>> 495       3050  0.2  0.0  89956  7184 ?        S    07:10   0:01 
>>> /usr/libexec/pacemaker/cib
>>> root      3051  0.0  0.0  87128  3152 ?        S    07:10   0:00 
>>> /usr/libexec/pacemaker/stonithd
>>> 495       3053  0.0  0.0  91188  2840 ?        S    07:10   0:00 
>>> /usr/libexec/pacemaker/attrd
>>> 495       3054  0.0  0.0  87336  2484 ?        S    07:10   0:00 
>>> /usr/libexec/pacemaker/pengine
>>> 495       3055  0.0  0.0  91332  3156 ?        S    07:10   0:00 
>>> /usr/libexec/pacemaker/crmd
>>> 495       3057  0.0  0.0  88876  5224 ?        S    07:10   0:00 
>>> /usr/libexec/pacemaker/cib
>>> root      3058  0.0  0.0  87128  3132 ?        S    07:10   0:00 
>>> /usr/libexec/pacemaker/stonithd
>>> 495       3060  0.0  0.0  91188  2788 ?        S    07:10   0:00 
>>> /usr/libexec/pacemaker/attrd
>>> 495       3062  0.0  0.0  91436  3932 ?        S    07:10   0:00 
>>> /usr/libexec/pacemaker/crmd
>>> ps aux | grep corosync
>>> root      3044  0.1  0.0 977852  9264 ?        Ssl  07:10   0:01 corosync
>>> root      9363  0.0  0.0 103248   856 pts/0    S+   07:33   0:00 grep 
>>> corosync
>>> ps aux | grep lrmd
>>> root      3052  0.0  0.0  76464  2528 ?        S    07:10   0:00 
>>> /usr/lib64/heartbeat/lrmd
>>> Not sure why this is the case? Appreciate any help..
>> Have you perhaps specified "ver: 0" for the pacemaker plugin and run 
>> "service pacemaker start" ?
>>> Cheers,
>>> Jimmy.
>>> On 8 Apr 2013, at 03:00, Andrew Beekhof <and...@beekhof.net> wrote:
>>>> This doesn't look promising:
>>>> lrmd: [4939]: info: G_main_add_SignalHandler: Added signal handler for 
>>>> signal 15
>>>> lrmd: [4946]: info: Signal sent to pid=4939, waiting for process to exit
>>>> lrmd: [4939]: info: G_main_add_SignalHandler: Added signal handler for 
>>>> signal 17
>>>> lrmd: [4939]: info: enabling coredumps
>>>> lrmd: [4939]: info: G_main_add_SignalHandler: Added signal handler for 
>>>> signal 10
>>>> lrmd: [4939]: info: G_main_add_SignalHandler: Added signal handler for 
>>>> signal 12
>>>> lrmd: [4939]: info: Started.
>>>> lrmd: [4939]: info: lrmd is shutting down
>>>> The lrmd comes up but then immediately shuts down.
>>>> Perhaps try enabling debug to see if that sheds any light.
>>>> On 06/04/2013, at 4:58 AM, Jimmy Magee <jimmy.ma...@vennetics.com> wrote:
>>>>> Hi guys,
>>>>> Apologies for reposting this query, it inadvertently got added to an 
>>>>> existing topic!
>>>>> We have a three node cluster deployed in a customer's network:
>>>>> - 2 nodes are on the same switch
>>>>> - 3rd node on the same subnet but there's a router in between.
>>>>> - IP Multicast is enabled and has been tested using omping as follows..
>>>>> On each node ran..
>>>>> omping node01 node02 node3
>>>>> ON node 3
>>>>> Node01 :   unicast, xmt/rcv/%loss = 23/23/0%, min/avg/max/std-dev = 
>>>>> 0.128/0.181/0.255/0.025
>>>>> Node01 : multicast, xmt/rcv/%loss = 23/23/0%, min/avg/max/std-dev = 
>>>>> 0.140/0.187/0.219/0.021
>>>>> Node02 :   unicast, xmt/rcv/%loss = 8/8/0%, min/avg/max/std-dev = 
>>>>> 0.115/0.150/0.168/0.021
>>>>> Node02 : multicast, xmt/rcv/%loss = 8/8/0%, min/avg/max/std-dev = 
>>>>> 0.134/0.162/0.177/0.014
>>>>> On node 2
>>>>> Node01 :   unicast, xmt/rcv/%loss = 9/9/0%, min/avg/max/std-dev = 
>>>>> 0.168/0.191/0.205/0.014
>>>>> Node01 : multicast, xmt/rcv/%loss = 9/8/11% (seq>=2 0%), 
>>>>> min/avg/max/std-dev = 0.138/0.179/0.206/0.028
>>>>> Node03 :   unicast, xmt/rcv/%loss = 9/9/0%, min/avg/max/std-dev = 
>>>>> 0.112/0.149/0.175/0.022
>>>>> Node03 : multicast, xmt/rcv/%loss = 9/8/11% (seq>=2 0%), 
>>>>> min/avg/max/std-dev = 0.124/0.167/0.178/0.018
>>>>> On node 1
>>>>> Node02 :   unicast, xmt/rcv/%loss = 8/8/0%, min/avg/max/std-dev = 
>>>>> 0.154/0.185/0.208/0.019
>>>>> Node02 : multicast, xmt/rcv/%loss = 8/8/0%, min/avg/max/std-dev = 
>>>>> 0.175/0.198/0.214/0.015
>>>>> Node03 :   unicast, xmt/rcv/%loss = 23/23/0%, min/avg/max/std-dev = 
>>>>> 0.114/0.160/0.185/0.019
>>>>> Node03 : multicast, xmt/rcv/%loss = 23/22/4% (seq>=2 0%), 
>>>>> min/avg/max/std-dev = 0.124/0.172/0.197/0.019
>>>>> - Problem is intermittent but frequent. Occasionally starts fine when 
>>>>> started from scratch.
>>>>> We suspect the problem is related to node 3 as we can see lrmd failures 
>>>>> as per the attached log. We've checked permissions are ok as per 
>>>>> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cluster-glue/+bug/676391
>>>>> stonith-ng[1437]:    error: ais_dispatch: AIS connection failed
>>>>> stonith-ng[1437]:    error: stonith_peer_ais_destroy: AIS connection 
>>>>> terminated
>>>>> corosync[1430]:   [SERV  ] Service engine unloaded: Pacemaker Cluster 
>>>>> Manager 1.1.6
>>>>> corosync[1430]:   [SERV  ] Service engine unloaded: corosync extended 
>>>>> virtual synchrony service
>>>>> corosync[1430]:   [SERV  ] Service engine unloaded: corosync 
>>>>> configuration service
>>>>> corosync[1430]:   [SERV  ] Service engine unloaded: corosync cluster 
>>>>> closed process group service v1.01
>>>>> corosync[1430]:   [SERV  ] Service engine unloaded: corosync cluster 
>>>>> config database access v1.01
>>>>> corosync[1430]:   [SERV  ] Service engine unloaded: corosync profile 
>>>>> loading service
>>>>> corosync[1430]:   [SERV  ] Service engine unloaded: corosync cluster 
>>>>> quorum service v0.1
>>>>> corosync[1430]:   [MAIN  ] Corosync Cluster Engine exiting with status 0 
>>>>> at main.c:1894.
>>>>> corosync[4931]:   [MAIN  ] Corosync built-in features: nss dbus rdma snmp
>>>>> corosync[4931]:   [MAIN  ] Successfully read main configuration file 
>>>>> '/etc/corosync/corosync.conf'.
>>>>> corosync[4931]:   [TOTEM ] Initializing transport (UDP/IP Multicast).
>>>>> corosync[4931]:   [TOTEM ] Initializing transmit/receive security: 
>>>>> libtomcrypt SOBER128/SHA1HMAC (mode 0).
>>>>> corosync[4931]:   [TOTEM ] The network interface [] is now up.
>>>>> corosync[4931]:   [pcmk  ] Logging: Initialized pcmk_startup
>>>>> corosync[4931]:   [SERV  ] Service engine loaded: Pacemaker Cluster 
>>>>> Manager 1.1.6
>>>>> corosync[4931]:   [pcmk  ] Logging: Initialized pcmk_startup
>>>>> corosync[4931]:   [SERV  ] Service engine loaded: Pacemaker Cluster 
>>>>> Manager 1.1.6
>>>>> corosync[4931]:   [SERV  ] Service engine loaded: corosync extended 
>>>>> virtual synchrony service
>>>>> corosync[4931]:   [SERV  ] Service engine loaded: corosync configuration 
>>>>> service
>>>>> orosync[4931]:   [SERV  ] Service engine loaded: corosync cluster closed 
>>>>> process group service v1.01
>>>>> corosync[4931]:   [SERV  ] Service engine loaded: corosync cluster config 
>>>>> database access v1.01
>>>>> corosync[4931]:   [SERV  ] Service engine loaded: corosync profile 
>>>>> loading service
>>>>> corosync[4931]:   [SERV  ] Service engine loaded: corosync cluster quorum 
>>>>> service v0.1
>>>>> corosync[4931]:   [MAIN  ] Compatibility mode set to whitetank.  Using V1 
>>>>> and V2 of the synchronization engine.
>>>>> corosync[4931]:   [TOTEM ] A processor joined or left the membership and 
>>>>> a new membership was formed.
>>>>> corosync[4931]:   [CPG   ] chosen downlist: sender r(0) ip( ; 
>>>>> members(old:0 left:0)
>>>>> corosync[4931]:   [MAIN  ] Completed service synchronization, ready to 
>>>>> provide service.
>>>>> cib[4937]:     info: crm_log_init_worker: Changed active directory to 
>>>>> /var/lib/heartbeat/cores/hacluster
>>>>> cib[4937]:     info: retrieveCib: Reading cluster configuration from: 
>>>>> /var/lib/heartbeat/crm/cib.xml (digest: 
>>>>> /var/lib/heartbeat/crm/cib.xml.sig)
>>>>> cib[4937]:     info: validate_with_relaxng: Creating RNG parser context
>>>>> stonith-ng[4945]:     info: crm_log_init_worker: Changed active directory 
>>>>> to /var/lib/heartbeat/cores/root
>>>>> stonith-ng[4945]:     info: get_cluster_type: Cluster type is: 'openais'
>>>>> stonith-ng[4945]:   notice: crm_cluster_connect: Connecting to cluster 
>>>>> infrastructure: classic openais (with plugin)
>>>>> stonith-ng[4945]:     info: init_ais_connection_classic: Creating 
>>>>> connection to our Corosync plugin
>>>>> cib[4944]:     info: crm_log_init_worker: Changed active directory to 
>>>>> /var/lib/heartbeat/cores/hacluster
>>>>> cib[4944]:     info: retrieveCib: Reading cluster configuration from: 
>>>>> /var/lib/heartbeat/crm/cib.xml (digest: 
>>>>> /var/lib/heartbeat/crm/cib.xml.sig)
>>>>> stonith-ng[4945]:     info: init_ais_connection_classic: AIS connection 
>>>>> established
>>>>> stonith-ng[4945]:     info: get_ais_nodeid: Server details: id=1003428268 
>>>>> uname=w0110Danmtapp03 cname=pcmk
>>>>> stonith-ng[4945]:     info: init_ais_connection_once: Connection to 
>>>>> 'classic openais (with plugin)': established
>>>>> stonith-ng[4945]:     info: crm_new_peer: Node node03 now has id: 
>>>>> 1003428268
>>>>> stonith-ng[4945]:     info: crm_new_peer: Node 1003428268 is now known as 
>>>>> node03
>>>>> cib[4944]:     info: validate_with_relaxng: Creating RNG parser context
>>>>> lrmd: [4939]: info: G_main_add_SignalHandler: Added signal handler for 
>>>>> signal 15
>>>>> lrmd: [4946]: info: Signal sent to pid=4939, waiting for process to exit
>>>>> lrmd: [4939]: info: G_main_add_SignalHandler: Added signal handler for 
>>>>> signal 17
>>>>> lrmd: [4939]: info: enabling coredumps
>>>>> stonith-ng[4938]:     info: crm_log_init_worker: Changed active directory 
>>>>> to /var/lib/heartbeat/cores/root
>>>>> lrmd: [4939]: info: G_main_add_SignalHandler: Added signal handler for 
>>>>> signal 10
>>>>> lrmd: [4939]: info: G_main_add_SignalHandler: Added signal handler for 
>>>>> signal 12
>>>>> lrmd: [4939]: info: Started.
>>>>> stonith-ng[4938]:     info: get_cluster_type: Cluster type is: 'openais'
>>>>> lrmd: [4939]: info: lrmd is shutting down
>>>>> stonith-ng[4938]:   notice: crm_cluster_connect: Connecting to cluster 
>>>>> infrastructure: classic openais (with plugin)
>>>>> stonith-ng[4938]:     info: init_ais_connection_classic: Creating 
>>>>> connection to our Corosync plugin
>>>>> attrd[4940]:     info: crm_log_init_worker: Changed active directory to 
>>>>> /var/lib/heartbeat/cores/hacluster
>>>>> pengine[4941]:     info: crm_log_init_worker: Changed active directory to 
>>>>> /var/lib/heartbeat/cores/hacluster
>>>>> attrd[4940]:     info: main: Starting up
>>>>> attrd[4940]:     info: get_cluster_type: Cluster type is: 'openais'
>>>>> attrd[4940]:   notice: crm_cluster_connect: Connecting to cluster 
>>>>> infrastructure: classic openais (with plugin)
>>>>> attrd[4940]:     info: init_ais_connection_classic: Creating connection 
>>>>> to our Corosync plugin
>>>>> crmd[4942]:     info: crm_log_init_worker: Changed active directory to 
>>>>> /var/lib/heartbeat/cores/hacluster
>>>>> pengine[4941]:     info: main: Starting pengine
>>>>> crmd[4942]:   notice: main: CRM Hg Version: 
>>>>> 148fccfd5985c5590cc601123c6c16e966b85d14
>>>>> pengine[4948]:     info: crm_log_init_worker: Changed active directory to 
>>>>> /var/lib/heartbeat/cores/hacluster
>>>>> pengine[4948]:  warning: main: Terminating previous PE instance
>>>>> attrd[4947]:     info: crm_log_init_worker: Changed active directory to 
>>>>> /var/lib/heartbeat/cores/hacluster
>>>>> pengine[4941]:  warning: process_pe_message: Received quit message, 
>>>>> terminating
>>>>> attrd[4947]:     info: main: Starting up
>>>>> attrd[4947]:     info: get_cluster_type: Cluster type is: 'openais'
>>>>> attrd[4947]:   notice: crm_cluster_connect: Connecting to cluster 
>>>>> infrastructure: classic openais (with plugin)
>>>>> attrd[4947]:     info: init_ais_connection_classic: Creating connection 
>>>>> to our Corosync plugin
>>>>> crmd[4949]:     info: crm_log_init_worker: Changed active directory to 
>>>>> /var/lib/heartbeat/cores/hacluster
>>>>> crmd[4949]:   notice: main: CRM Hg Version: 
>>>>> 148fccfd5985c5590cc601123c6c16e966b85d14
>>>>> stonith-ng[4938]:     info: init_ais_connection_classic: AIS connection 
>>>>> established
>>>>> stonith-ng[4938]:     info: get_ais_nodeid: Server details: id=1003428268 
>>>>> uname=node03 cname=pcmk
>>>>> stonith-ng[4938]:     info: init_ais_connection_once: Connection to 
>>>>> 'classic openais (with plugin)': established
>>>>> stonith-ng[4938]:     info: crm_new_peer: Node node03 now has id: 
>>>>> 1003428268
>>>>> stonith-ng[4938]:     info: crm_new_peer: Node 1003428268 is now known as 
>>>>> node03
>>>>> attrd[4940]:     info: init_ais_connection_classic: AIS connection 
>>>>> established
>>>>> attrd[4940]:     info: get_ais_nodeid: Server details: id=1003428268 
>>>>> uname=node03 cname=pcmk
>>>>> attrd[4940]:     info: init_ais_connection_once: Connection to 'classic 
>>>>> openais (with plugin)': established
>>>>> attrd[4940]:     info: crm_new_peer: Node node03 now has id: 1003428268
>>>>> attrd[4940]:     info: crm_new_peer: Node 1003428268 is now known as 
>>>>> node03
>>>>> attrd[4940]:     info: main: Cluster connection active
>>>>> attrd[4940]:     info: main: Accepting attribute updates
>>>>> attrd[4940]:   notice: main: Starting mainloop...
>>>>> attrd[4947]:     info: init_ais_connection_classic: AIS connection 
>>>>> established
>>>>> attrd[4947]:     info: get_ais_nodeid: Server details: id=1003428268 
>>>>> uname=node03 cname=pcmk
>>>>> attrd[4947]:     info: init_ais_connection_once: Connection to 'classic 
>>>>> openais (with plugin)': established
>>>>> attrd[4947]:     info: crm_new_peer: Node node03 now has id: 1003428268
>>>>> attrd[4947]:     info: crm_new_peer: Node 1003428268 is now known as 
>>>>> node03
>>>>> attrd[4947]:     info: main: Cluster connection active
>>>>> attrd[4947]:     info: main: Accepting attribute updates
>>>>> attrd[4947]:   notice: main: Starting mainloop...
>>>>> cib[4937]:     info: startCib: CIB Initialization completed successfully
>>>>> cib[4937]:     info: get_cluster_type: Cluster type is: 'openais'
>>>>> cib[4937]:   notice: crm_cluster_connect: Connecting to cluster 
>>>>> infrastructure: classic openais (with plugin)
>>>>> cib[4937]:     info: init_ais_connection_classic: Creating connection to 
>>>>> our Corosync plugin
>>>>> cib[4944]:     info: startCib: CIB Initialization completed successfully
>>>>> cib[4944]:     info: get_cluster_type: Cluster type is: 'openais'
>>>>> cib[4944]:   notice: crm_cluster_connect: Connecting to cluster 
>>>>> infrastructure: classic openais (with plugin)
>>>>> cib[4944]:     info: init_ais_connection_classic: Creating connection to 
>>>>> our Corosync plugin
>>>>> cib[4937]:     info: init_ais_connection_classic: AIS connection 
>>>>> established
>>>>> cib[4937]:     info: get_ais_nodeid: Server details: id=1003428268 
>>>>> uname=node03 cname=pcmk
>>>>> cib[4937]:     info: init_ais_connection_once: Connection to 'classic 
>>>>> openais (with plugin)': established
>>>>> cib[4937]:     info: crm_new_peer: Node node03 now has id: 1003428268
>>>>> cib[4937]:     info: crm_new_peer: Node 1003428268 is now known as node03
>>>>> cib[4937]:     info: cib_init: Starting cib mainloop
>>>>> cib[4937]:     info: ais_dispatch_message: Membership 6892: quorum still 
>>>>> lost
>>>>> cib[4937]:     info: crm_update_peer: Node node03: id=1003428268 
>>>>> state=member (new) addr=r(0) ip(  (new) votes=1 (new) born=0 
>>>>> seen=6892 proc=00000000000000000000000000111312 (new)
>>>>> cib[4944]:     info: init_ais_connection_classic: AIS connection 
>>>>> established
>>>>> cib[4944]:     info: get_ais_nodeid: Server details: id=1003428268 
>>>>> uname=node03 cname=pcmk
>>>>> cib[4944]:     info: init_ais_connection_once: Connection to 'classic 
>>>>> openais (with plugin)': established
>>>>> cib[4944]:     info: crm_new_peer: Node node03 now has id: 1003428268
>>>>> cib[4944]:     info: crm_new_peer: Node 1003428268 is now known as node03
>>>>> cib[4944]:     info: cib_init: Starting cib mainloop
>>>>> stonith-ng[4945]:   notice: setup_cib: Watching for stonith topology 
>>>>> changes
>>>>> stonith-ng[4945]:     info: main: Starting stonith-ng mainloop
>>>>> cib[4937]:     info: ais_dispatch_message: Membership 6896: quorum still 
>>>>> lost
>>>>> corosync[4931]:   [TOTEM ] A processor joined or left the membership and 
>>>>> a new membership was formed.
>>>>> cib[4937]:     info: crm_new_peer: Node <null> now has id: 969873836
>>>>> cib[4937]:     info: crm_update_peer: Node (null): id=969873836 
>>>>> state=member (new) addr=r(0) ip(  votes=0 born=0 seen=6896 
>>>>> proc=00000000000000000000000000000000
>>>>> cib[4937]:     info: crm_new_peer: Node <null> now has id: 986651052
>>>>> cib[4937]:     info: crm_update_peer: Node (null): id=986651052 
>>>>> state=member (new) addr=r(0) ip(  votes=0 born=0 seen=6896 
>>>>> proc=00000000000000000000000000000000
>>>>> cib[4937]:   notice: ais_dispatch_message: Membership 6896: quorum 
>>>>> acquired
>>>>> cib[4937]:     info: crm_get_peer: Node 986651052 is now known as node02
>>>>> cib[4937]:     info: crm_update_peer: Node node02: id=986651052 
>>>>> state=member addr=r(0) ip(  votes=1 (new) born=6812 
>>>>> seen=6896 proc=00000000000000000000000000111312 (new)
>>>>> cib[4937]:     info: ais_dispatch_message: Membership 6896: quorum 
>>>>> retained
>>>>> cib[4937]:     info: crm_get_peer: Node 969873836 is now known as node01
>>>>> cib[4937]:     info: crm_update_peer: Node node01: id=969873836 
>>>>> state=member addr=r(0) ip(  votes=1 (new) born=6848 
>>>>> seen=6896 proc=00000000000000000000000000111312 (new)
>>>>> rsyslogd-2177: imuxsock begins to drop messages from pid 4931 due to 
>>>>> rate-limiting
>>>>> crmd[4942]:     info: do_cib_control: CIB connection established
>>>>> crmd[4942]:     info: get_cluster_type: Cluster type is: 'openais'
>>>>> crmd[4942]:   notice: crm_cluster_connect: Connecting to cluster 
>>>>> infrastructure: classic openais (with plugin)
>>>>> crmd[4942]:     info: init_ais_connection_classic: Creating connection to 
>>>>> our Corosync plugin
>>>>> cib[4937]:     info: cib_process_diff: Diff 1.249.28 -> 1.249.29 not 
>>>>> applied to 1.249.0: current "num_updates" is less than required
>>>>> cib[4937]:     info: cib_server_process_diff: Requesting re-sync from peer
>>>>> crmd[4949]:     info: do_cib_control: CIB connection established
>>>>> crmd[4949]:     info: get_cluster_type: Cluster type is: 'openais'
>>>>> crmd[4949]:   notice: crm_cluster_connect: Connecting to cluster 
>>>>> infrastructure: classic openais (with plugin)
>>>>> crmd[4949]:     info: init_ais_connection_classic: Creating connection to 
>>>>> our Corosync plugin
>>>>> stonith-ng[4938]:   notice: setup_cib: Watching for stonith topology 
>>>>> changes
>>>>> stonith-ng[4938]:     info: main: Starting stonith-ng mainloop
>>>>> cib[4937]:   notice: cib_server_process_diff: Not applying diff 1.249.29 
>>>>> -> 1.249.30 (sync in progress)
>>>>> crmd[4942]:     info: init_ais_connection_classic: AIS connection 
>>>>> established
>>>>> crmd[4942]:     info: get_ais_nodeid: Server details: id=1003428268 
>>>>> uname=node03 cname=pcmk
>>>>> crmd[4942]:     info: init_ais_connection_once: Connection to 'classic 
>>>>> openais (with plugin)': established
>>>>> crmd[4942]:     info: crm_new_peer: Node node03 now has id: 1003428268
>>>>> crmd[4942]:     info: crm_new_peer: Node 1003428268 is now known as node03
>>>>> crmd[4942]:     info: ais_status_callback: status: node03 is now unknown
>>>>> crmd[4942]:     info: do_ha_control: Connected to the cluster
>>>>> crmd[4942]:  warning: do_lrm_control: Failed to sign on to the LRM 1 (30 
>>>>> max) times
>>>>> crmd[4949]:     info: init_ais_connection_classic: AIS connection 
>>>>> established
>>>>> crmd[4949]:     info: get_ais_nodeid: Server details: id=1003428268 
>>>>> uname=node03 cname=pcmk
>>>>> crmd[4949]:     info: init_ais_connection_once: Connection to 'classic 
>>>>> openais (with plugin)': established
>>>>> crmd[4942]:   notice: ais_dispatch_message: Membership 6896: quorum 
>>>>> acquired
>>>>> crmd[4949]:     info: crm_new_peer: Node node03 now has id: 1003428268
>>>>> crmd[4949]:     info: crm_new_peer: Node 1003428268 is now known as node03
>>>>> crmd[4942]:     info: crm_new_peer: Node node01 now has id: 969873836
>>>>> crmd[4949]:     info: ais_status_callback: status: node03 is now unknown
>>>>> crmd[4942]:     info: crm_new_peer: Node 969873836 is now known as node01
>>>>> crmd[4949]:     info: do_ha_control: Connected to the cluster
>>>>> crmd[4942]:     info: ais_status_callback: status: node01 is now unknown
>>>>> crmd[4942]:     info: ais_status_callback: status: node01 is now member 
>>>>> (was unknown)
>>>>> crmd[4942]:     info: crm_update_peer: Node node01: id=969873836 
>>>>> state=member (new) addr=r(0) ip(  votes=1 born=6848 
>>>>> seen=6896 proc=00000000000000000000000000111312
>>>>> crmd[4942]:     info: crm_new_peer: Node node02 now has id: 986651052
>>>>> crmd[4942]:     info: crm_new_peer: Node 986651052 is now known as node02
>>>>> crmd[4942]:     info: ais_status_callback: status: node02 is now unknown
>>>>> crmd[4949]:  warning: do_lrm_control: Failed to sign on to the LRM 1 (30 
>>>>> max) times
>>>>> crmd[4942]:     info: ais_status_callback: status: node02 is now member 
>>>>> (was unknown)
>>>>> crmd[4942]:     info: crm_update_peer: Node node02: id=986651052 
>>>>> state=member (new) addr=r(0) ip(  votes=1 born=6812 
>>>>> seen=6896 proc=00000000000000000000000000111312
>>>>> crmd[4942]:   notice: crmd_peer_update: Status update: Client node03/crmd 
>>>>> now has status [online] (DC=<null>)
>>>>> crmd[4942]:     info: ais_status_callback: status: node03 is now member 
>>>>> (was unknown)
>>>>> crmd[4942]:     info: crm_update_peer: Node node03: id=1003428268 
>>>>> state=member (new) addr=r(0) ip(  (new) votes=1 (new) 
>>>>> born=6896 seen=6896 proc=00000000000000000000000000111312 (new)
>>>>> crmd[4942]:     info: ais_dispatch_message: Membership 6896: quorum 
>>>>> retained
>>>>> cib[4937]:   notice: cib_server_process_diff: Not applying diff 1.249.30 
>>>>> -> 1.249.31 (sync in progress)
>>>>> crmd[4942]:  warning: do_lrm_control: Failed to sign on to the LRM 2 (30 
>>>>> max) times
>>>>> crmd[4942]:  warning: do_lrm_control: Failed to sign on to the LRM 3 (30 
>>>>> max) times
>>>>> crmd[4949]:  warning: do_lrm_control: Failed to sign on to the LRM 2 (30 
>>>>> max) times
>>>>> crmd[4949]:   notice: ais_dispatch_message: Membership 6896: quorum 
>>>>> acquired
>>>>> rsyslogd-2177: imuxsock begins to drop messages from pid 4937 due to 
>>>>> rate-limiting
>>>>> crmd[4942]:  warning: do_lrm_control: Failed to sign on to the LRM 4 (30 
>>>>> max) times
>>>>> crmd[4942]:  warning: do_lrm_control: Failed to sign on to the LRM 5 (30 
>>>>> max) times
>>>>> pengine[4948]:     info: main: Starting pengine
>>>>> crmd[4942]:     info: crm_timer_popped: Wait Timer (I_NULL) just popped 
>>>>> (2000ms)
>>>>> warning: do_lrm_control: Failed to sign on to the LRM 6 (30 max) times
>>>>> crmd[4949]:     info: crm_timer_popped: Wait Timer (I_NULL) just popped 
>>>>> (2000ms)
>>>>> crmd[4949]:  warning: do_lrm_control: Failed to sign on to the LRM 3 (30 
>>>>> max) times
>>>>> attrd[4940]:     info: cib_connect: Connected to the CIB after 1 signon 
>>>>> attempts
>>>>> attrd[4940]:     info: cib_connect: Sending full refresh
>>>>> crmd[4942]:     info: crm_timer_popped: Wait Timer (I_NULL) just popped 
>>>>> (2000ms)
>>>>> crmd[4942]:  warning: do_lrm_control: Failed to sign on to the LRM 7 (30 
>>>>> max) times
>>>>> attrd[4947]:     info: cib_connect: Connected to the CIB after 1 signon 
>>>>> attempts
>>>>> attrd[4947]:     info: cib_connect: Sending full refresh
>>>>> crmd[4949]:     info: crm_timer_popped: Wait Timer (I_NULL) just popped 
>>>>> (2000ms)
>>>>> crmd[4949]:  warning: do_lrm_control: Failed to sign on to the LRM 4 (30 
>>>>> max) times
>>>>> crmd[4942]:     info: crm_timer_popped: Wait Timer (I_NULL) just popped 
>>>>> (2000ms)
>>>>> crmd[4942]:  warning: do_lrm_control: Failed to sign on to the LRM 8 (30 
>>>>> max) times
>>>>> crmd[4949]:     info: crm_timer_popped: Wait Timer (I_NULL) just popped 
>>>>> (2000ms)
>>>>> crmd[4949]:  warning: do_lrm_control: Failed to sign on to the LRM 5 (30 
>>>>> max) times
>>>>> crmd[4942]:     info: crm_timer_popped: Wait Timer (I_NULL) just popped 
>>>>> (2000ms)
>>>>> crmd[4942]:  warning: do_lrm_control: Failed to sign on to the LRM 9 (30 
>>>>> max) times
>>>>> crmd[4949]:     info: crm_timer_popped: Wait Timer (I_NULL) just popped 
>>>>> (2000ms)
>>>>> crmd[4949]:  warning: do_lrm_control: Failed to sign on to the LRM 6 (30 
>>>>> max) times
>>>>> crmd[4942]:     info: crm_timer_popped: Wait Timer (I_NULL) just popped 
>>>>> (2000ms)
>>>>> crmd[4942]:  warning: do_lrm_control: Failed to sign on to the LRM 10 (30 
>>>>> max) times
>>>>> crmd[4949]:     info: crm_timer_popped: Wait Timer (I_NULL) just popped 
>>>>> (2000ms)
>>>>> crmd[4949]:  warning: do_lrm_control: Failed to sign on to the LRM 7 (30 
>>>>> max) times
>>>>> crmd[4942]:     info: crm_timer_popped: Wait Timer (I_NULL) just popped 
>>>>> (2000ms)
>>>>> crmd[4949]:     info: crm_timer_popped: Wait Timer (I_NULL) just popped 
>>>>> (2000ms)
>>>>> crmd[4942]:  warning: do_lrm_control: Failed to sign on to the LRM 11 (30 
>>>>> max) times
>>>>> crmd[4949]:  warning: do_lrm_control: Failed to sign on to the LRM 8 (30 
>>>>> max) times
>>>>> crmd[4942]:     info: crm_timer_popped: Wait Timer (I_NULL) just popped 
>>>>> (2000ms)
>>>>> crmd[4949]:     info: crm_timer_popped: Wait Timer (I_NULL) just popped 
>>>>> (2000ms)
>>>>> crmd[4942]:  warning: do_lrm_control: Failed to sign on to the LRM 12 (30 
>>>>> max) times
>>>>> crmd[4949]:  warning: do_lrm_control: Failed to sign on to the LRM 9 (30 
>>>>> max) times
>>>>> crmd[4949]:     info: crm_timer_popped: Wait Timer (I_NULL) just popped 
>>>>> (2000ms)
>>>>> crmd[4942]:     info: crm_timer_popped: Wait Timer (I_NULL) just popped 
>>>>> (2000ms)
>>>>> crmd[4942]:  warning: do_lrm_control: Failed to sign on to the LRM 13 (30 
>>>>> max) times
>>>>> crmd[4949]:  warning: do_lrm_control: Failed to sign on to the LRM 10 (30 
>>>>> max) times
>>>>> crmd[4949]:     info: crm_timer_popped: Wait Timer (I_NULL) just popped 
>>>>> (2000ms)
>>>>> crmd[4942]:     info: crm_timer_popped: Wait Timer (I_NULL) just popped 
>>>>> (2000ms)
>>>>> crmd[4942]:  warning: do_lrm_control: Failed to sign on to the LRM 14 (30 
>>>>> max) times
>>>>> crmd[4949]:  warning: do_lrm_control: Failed to sign on to the LRM 11 (30 
>>>>> max) times
>>>>> crmd[4949]:     info: crm_timer_popped: Wait Timer (I_NULL) just popped 
>>>>> (2000ms)
>>>>> crmd[4949]:  warning: do_lrm_control: Failed to sign on to the LRM 12 (30 
>>>>> max) times
>>>>> crmd[4942]:     info: crm_timer_popped: Wait Timer (I_NULL) just popped 
>>>>> (2000ms)
>>>>> crmd[4942]:  warning: do_lrm_control: Failed to sign on to the LRM 15 (30 
>>>>> max) times
>>>>> crmd[4949]:     info: crm_timer_popped: Wait Timer (I_NULL) just popped 
>>>>> (2000ms)
>>>>> crmd[4949]:  warning: do_lrm_control: Failed to sign on to the LRM 13 (30 
>>>>> max) times
>>>>> crmd[4942]:     info: crm_timer_popped: Wait Timer (I_NULL) just popped 
>>>>> (2000ms)
>>>>> crmd[4942]:  warning: do_lrm_control: Failed to sign on to the LRM 16 (30 
>>>>> max) times
>>>>> crmd[4949]:     info: crm_timer_popped: Wait Timer (I_NULL) just popped 
>>>>> (2000ms)
>>>>> crmd[4949]:  warning: do_lrm_control: Failed to sign on to the LRM 14 (30 
>>>>> max) times
>>>>> crmd[4942]:     info: crm_timer_popped: Wait Timer (I_NULL) just popped 
>>>>> (2000ms)
>>>>> crmd[4942]:  warning: do_lrm_control: Failed to sign on to the LRM 17 (30 
>>>>> max) times
>>>>> crmd[4949]:     info: crm_timer_popped: Wait Timer (I_NULL) just popped 
>>>>> (2000ms)
>>>>> crmd[4949]:  warning: do_lrm_control: Failed to sign on to the LRM 15 (30 
>>>>> max) times
>>>>> crmd[4942]:     info: crm_timer_popped: Wait Timer (I_NULL) just popped 
>>>>> (2000ms)
>>>>> crmd[4942]:  warning: do_lrm_control: Failed to sign on to the LRM 18 (30 
>>>>> max) times
>>>>> We have the following components installed..
>>>>> corosynclib-1.4.1-15.el6.x86_64
>>>>> corosync-1.4.1-15.el6.x86_64
>>>>> cluster-glue-libs-1.0.5-6.el6.x86_64
>>>>> clusterlib-
>>>>> pacemaker-cluster-libs-1.1.7-6.el6.x86_64
>>>>> cluster-glue-1.0.5-6.el6.x86_64
>>>>> resource-agents-3.9.2-12.el6.x86_64
>>>>> We'd appreciate assistance on how to debug what the issue may be and some 
>>>>> possible causes.
>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>> Jimmy
>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>> Linux-HA mailing list
>>>>> Linux-HA@lists.linux-ha.org
>>>>> http://lists.linux-ha.org/mailman/listinfo/linux-ha
>>>>> See also: http://linux-ha.org/ReportingProblems
>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>> Linux-HA mailing list
>>>> Linux-HA@lists.linux-ha.org
>>>> http://lists.linux-ha.org/mailman/listinfo/linux-ha
>>>> See also: http://linux-ha.org/ReportingProblems
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> Linux-HA mailing list
>>> Linux-HA@lists.linux-ha.org
>>> http://lists.linux-ha.org/mailman/listinfo/linux-ha
>>> See also: http://linux-ha.org/ReportingProblems
>> _______________________________________________
>> Linux-HA mailing list
>> Linux-HA@lists.linux-ha.org
>> http://lists.linux-ha.org/mailman/listinfo/linux-ha
>> See also: http://linux-ha.org/ReportingProblems

Linux-HA mailing list
See also: http://linux-ha.org/ReportingProblems

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