Le 19/04/2013 14:22, Marcus Bointon a écrit :
> When I request that a resource moves from one node to another, like:
> crm resource move ip3
> It tells me:
> WARNING: Creating rsc_location constraint 'cli-standby-ip3' with a score of 
> -INFINITY for resource ip3 on proxy2.

Yes this is intended. The cluster is supposed to handle it's resource by 
itself based on it's configuration and internal mechanisms. When you, as 
an admin says otherwise, the cluster trusts you and create a location 
constraint representing the administrative decision you just took.

> This will prevent ip3 from running on proxy2 until the constraint is removed 
> using the 'crm_resource -U' command or manually with cibadmin

Or via crmsh, pcs, ...

> This will be the case even if proxy2 is the last node in the cluster

I'm not sure about that second part. When only one node is up (and 
no-quorum-policy is ignore) does -INF still apply ?

> I can understand that to an extent, but it seems a bit aggressive to prevent 
> it *ever* moving back.
> What's more of a problem is that if I issue the same command again (to make 
> it migrate back), it does the same thing (but to the other node), pinning it 
> hard to its original location rather than just removing the constraint. Is 
> there a better way of doing this?

Well, you kinda answered this when you mentioned "crm_resource -U".
You should use "unmove" instead of "move". Unmove will remove the 
location constraint where move will create a new one.

Florian Crouzat
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