I'd like to hear from you if someone has already experienced someting
similar or -in case- to get how to do better.
I need to sync a few files from time to time. Non need for a storage or a
DRBD solution. Active/Passive cluster, 

I created a OCF master/slave resource from the template called "syncer",
adding in the RA_syncer::monitor() method a couple of rsync commands as the
following example:
   "/usr/bin/rsync -avz --delete  ${SOURCE_CFG_FOLDER_X}/
The ocf-tester says the RA is ok.

Then I add a constraint to pacecemaker, so that the resource_ms_syncer is
Master only if the other resources are master on the same node.

I have performed several tests, and the sync seems to work fine either on
node A or on node B if I perform some swaps in order to validate the

But in one case something goes wrong: while A is master, if I shut down the
B node after a while the RA::monitor  timer on the A node seems to stop
working. Of course I expect to get some OCF log errors  such as
"(resource_syncer:0:monitor:stderr) rsync: failed to connect to NODE_B", but
when I restart the NODE_B I would like the resync to start working again. To
make it so I must restart the HA services on the NODE_A, and this is not
acceptable :( 

On the footer of this email I have attached the cib section for the ocf
resource I created. Could the problem be related to some timeout properties
I failed to set? Any suggestion?

Thanks a lot


   OS: RHEL6.2 2.6.32-220.el6.x86_64
   Pacemaker:  pacemaker-1.1.6-3.el6.x86_64 (in bundle with the OS)
   Corosync: corosync-1.4.1-4.el6.x86_64 (in bundle with the OS)
   Rsync: rsync-3.0.6-5.el6_0.1.x86_64

<master id="resource_ms_syncer">
        <meta_attributes id="resource_ms_syncer-meta_attributes">
          <nvpair id="resource_ms_syncer-meta_attributes-master-max"
name="master-max" value="1"/>
          <nvpair id="resource_ms_syncer-meta_attributes-master-node-max"
name="master-node-max" value="1"/>
          <nvpair id="resource_ms_syncer-meta_attributes-clone-max"
name="clone-max" value="2"/>
          <nvpair id="resource_ms_syncer-meta_attributes-clone-node-max"
name="clone-node-max" value="1"/>
          <nvpair id="resource_ms_syncer-meta_attributes-notify"
name="notify" value="true"/>
          <nvpair id="resource_ms_syncer-meta_attributes-target-role"
name="target-role" value="Started"/>
        <primitive class="ocf" id="resource_syncer" provider="resi"
          <instance_attributes id="resource_syncer-instance_attributes">
            <nvpair id="resource_syncer-instance_attributes-state"
name="state" value="/var/run/resource_syncer.state"/>
name="internal_parameter" value="idle"/>
            <op id="resource_syncer-startup_M" interval="30s" name="monitor"
            <op enabled="false" id="resource_syncer-startup_S"
interval="40s" name="monitor" on-fail="restart" requires="nothing"
role="Slave" timeout="60s"/>
            <op id="resource_syncer-start-0" interval="0" name="start"
            <op id="resource_syncer-stop-0" interval="0" name="stop"

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