On Mon, 27 May 2013, Dejan Muhamedagic wrote:

> Hi,
> On Wed, May 22, 2013 at 01:20:06PM +0000, Tony Stocker wrote:
>> Version Info:
>> OS:                     CentOS 6.4
>> Kernel (current):       2.6.32-358.6.2.el6.x86_64
>> Pacemaker:              1.1.8-7.el6
>> Corosync:               1.4.1-15.el6_4
>> CRMSH:                  1.2.5-55.4
>> I was attempting to create a shadow CIB so that I could test changes and
>> I am unsuccessful getting it to work:
>> # crm cib
>> crm(live)cib# new test-conf
>> INFO: 8: test-conf shadow CIB created
>> ERROR: 8: test-conf: no such shadow CIB
> If crmsh is coming from
> http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/network:/ha-clustering/CentOS_CentOS-6/
> then it was built against pacemaker v1.1.7 (that should change
> any day now). In the meantime, you can create a link as suggested
> here:

Yes that is where I'm getting crmsh from.

> https://savannah.nongnu.org/bugs/?39013#comment0

Okay, I'll give that a try.  Thanks.

> Another option is to build crmsh on a host with pacemaker >= 1.1.8
> installed.

I'm trying to avoid building libraries/utilities if I can.

> Thanks,
> Dejan
>> crm(live)cib# reset test-conf
>> INFO: 9: copied live CIB to test-conf
>> crm(live)cib# list
>> crm(live)cib# new test-conf
>> A shadow instance 'test-conf' already exists.
>>    To prevent accidental destruction of the cluster, the --force flag is
>> required in order to proceed.
>> crm(live)cib# use test-conf
>> ERROR: 12: test-conf: no such shadow CIB
>> crm(live)cib# delete test-conf
>> INFO: 13: test-conf shadow CIB deleted
>> So it appears to be there at some level since I can copy the live CIB, and
>> it complains if I try to create the same name again, and I can delete it.
>> But I cannot see it via 'list' and I cannot 'use' it.
>> Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong?  I'm following the examples
>> in the documentation and from here:
>> http://clusterlabs.org/wiki/Example_configurations
>> Tony

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