Hello Mitso,

> 3.0.4-1.el6   

from the version I see that you're runing RHEL 6. So RHEL uses corosync
or cman but not heartbeat as messaging bus between the nodes. You can
follow this guide and the links in this guide.


What is annoying from my point of view is that is if I understood
Andrews blog Red Hat has removed the crm shell, so you have to use pcs,
personally I prefer heartbeat and pacemaker, but that with Red Hat it is
a challenge, because than you could use the EPEL repositories, but
they're incompatible with the pacemaker shipped from Red Hat, so you end
up compiling it by yourself, also 2 years back I setup a cluster for
Siemens and I noticed the limitations of corosync. At that time it could
only handle two heartbeat links, however they hopefully have fixed that
by now. I never tried cman with something else than ricci and luci (the
old RHEL clusterstack).

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