On 12/07/2013, at 8:23 PM, Vladislav Bogdanov <bub...@hoster-ok.com> wrote:

> 01.07.2013 17:29, Vladislav Bogdanov wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm trying to look if it is now safe to delete non-running nodes
>> (corosync 2.3, pacemaker HEAD, crmsh tip).
>> # crm node delete v02-d
>> WARNING: 2: crm_node bad format: 7 v02-c
>> WARNING: 2: crm_node bad format: 8 v02-d
>> WARNING: 2: crm_node bad format: 5 v02-a
>> WARNING: 2: crm_node bad format: 6 v02-b
>> INFO: 2: node v02-d not found by crm_node
>> INFO: 2: node v02-d deleted
>> #
>> So, I expect that crmsh still doesn't follow latest changes to 'crm_node
>> -l'. Although node seems to be deleted correctly.
>> For reference, output of crm_node -l is:
>> 7 v02-c
>> 8 v02-d
>> 5 v02-a
>> 6 v02-b
> With latest merge of Andrew's public and private trees and crmsh tip
> everything works as expected.
> The only (minor but confusing) issue is:
> [root@vd01-a ~]# crm_node -l
> 3 vd01-c
> 4 vd01-d
> 1 vd01-a
> 2 vd01-b
> [root@vd01-a ~]# crm_node -p
> vd01-c vd01-a vd01-b
> [root@vd01-a ~]# crm node delete vd01-d
> WARNING: "crm_node --force -R vd01-d" failed, rc=1
> Looks like missing crm_exit(pcmk_ok) for -R in try_corosync().

Done. Thanks for testing.


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