Dear all,

We will try building an SCST iscsi target cluster using two CentOS 6.4
x86_64 head servers connected to a shared JBOD via SAS.

BTW, we have been running the same setup using internal disks and DRBD for
years without any problem. We will keep this for production, but move to
JBOD for test/lab (less expensive than DRBD).

Initial idea was to use software RAID and manage MD devices using
corosync/pacemaker. I was looking for the Raid1 resource agent, and I
realize it's not provided anymore.

CentOS 6.4 contains resource-agents-3.9.2-21.el6_4.8, and this RA is

Looking in the "past", I see that resource-agents-3.9.2-21.el6_4.3 actually
contained this RA.

Does anyone here has an explanation ?

Thanks. - Patrick -

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