On Fri, 2014-02-21 at 12:37 +0000, Tony Stocker wrote:

>          colocation inf_ftpd inf: infra_group ftpd
> or do I need to use an 'order' statement instead, i.e.:
>          order ftp_infra mandatory: infra_group:start ftpd

I'm far from a leading expert on this, but in my experience, colocation
and order are completely separate concepts. If you want both, you have
to state both. So I would say you need both colocation and order
statements to get what you want. I have similar scenarios, where virtual
machines depend on the underlying DRBD device, so I colocate the DRBD
master-slave resource and the VM resource, then have an order statement
to say the DRBD resource must be started before the VM.


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