On 25/02/14 10:02 AM, Tony Stocker wrote:

I have servers that have dual power supplies.  I have two (2) APC AP8965
PDU's.  Each power supply is plugged into a different PDU, i.e. power
supply A is plugged into PDU-1, power supply B is plugged into PDU-2.

How can I configure STONITH using fence_apc so that when a node needs to
be stonith'd it will kill power to BOTH power supplies?

I've found only one example of the type of configuration that I'm
looking at, and that was in the ClusterLabs Pacemaker Explained document
in section 13.5.2

[Thanks to Marec Grac]
However since that document only shows the raw XML configuration, I need
some help with the appropriate way to implement things using crmsh.  I
also need to make sure that I understand the underlying assumptions.  So
please bear with me.

My situation:
     * I have twelve (12) physical server nodes.  They are named
     ggmhac01-ggmhac12 (this is what you get with `uname -n`.)

     * Each system has an IPMI controller card and thus a separate
     IPMI address ( -

     * Each system has two (2) power supplies.

     * Each power supply is plugged into a separate, different
     APC AP8965 PDU strip then the other.

The desired configuration (topology):
     * When fencing is required, attempt to utilize the fence_ipmilan
     agent on the node first.

     * If unsuccessful, use fence_apc to shut down BOTH power supplies

    [Note: I'm using crmsh, so examples using that syntax are GREATLY

     * Based on my reading of the document, my assumption is that I
     need to define twelve (12) fence_ipmilan primitives, one for each
     node.  Is that correct?

     * I also assume that I need to define twenty-four (24) fence_apc
     primitives, one for each power supply on each system.  Is that

     * I also assume that I need to define thirty-six (36) location
     constraints, one for each system:fence pair, "to prevent STONITH
     from running a fencing agent on the very same node it is
     supposed to fence...."  Is that correct?

Assuming my assumptions are correct (or even if they're not and someone
can provide corrected information), can anyone can provide any crmsh
examples of the three types of configuration commands with correct
syntax? I've checked the Pacemaker 1.1 "Clusters from Scratch" document,
section 9 "Configure Stonith", and it has only a single 'configure'
statement in it as an example.  Given the complexity of what I'm trying
to set up, as shown in the extensive XML code generated in the
'Pacemaker Explained' document 13.5.2 example, which only has 2 nodes, I
want to make sure that I'm using the correct syntax for everything.

Thank you very much in advance for help with this.


This exact configuration is covered here:


Note that you need pacemaker 1.1.10+.

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